Chapter 5:I'm here for you

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  • مهداة إلى Katelyn Downey

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Katelyn. I've known her since I was like four. She's been through a lot with me and in all honesty I have no idea how she has been able to be my friend for so long. It's impressive. She's sweet, funny, understanding and the best:) So here's to Katelyn who would never give up on me. 

Drew is on the side

Chapter 5: I’m Here For You

Standing in the kitchen by our fridge, talking to my brother is Drew. Drew. How in hell did my family know Drew?

"Drew?" I question, my eyes widening in surprise. Are my eyes playing tricks on me? "How on Earth are you here?" 

Drew turns to see me and looks taken aback at what I'd said. His shocked face quickly melts into a smile, a smile that makes me instantly smile.

"Whoops, that kinda came out rude," I mumble, embarrassed. He lets out an easy going laugh.

"Nah, it's okay. I was invited here."He smiles brightly, as if that explains everything.

"Well obviously. But how? My parents don't know you."

"Well, actually, we do.” My mom interjects. “He heard on the news about the accident and came straight to the hospital. You were still unconscious. Your father and I were there and he came in and started talking to us. He spent a whole day with us. He was quite the gentleman. Getting us food and drinks, a great support, so many things!" Drew’s cheeks turn red as my mom rambles on about how amazing he is.

"He could have told me, mom," I say, smiling. Drew chuckles.

"Oh, I guess he could have," My mom says. "Sorry Drew."

"It's not a problem." He laughs, rubbing the back of his head.

“Well, why don’t you kids head out onto the back patio. That’s where we’ll be eating and the food should be out soon,” My mom instructs. “Drew, do you mind if you take Abigale out?”

“Not a problem,” He smiles, reaching for my wheelchair to push me out onto the patio where everyone else is.


The 'Welcome Back' party was a hit, at least for me it was. My favorite music  was playing in the background, we were sitting outside, eating pull pork sandwiches and salad, enjoying ourselves. No one mentioned the car accident, a great relief to me. In all honesty, I had forgotten what had happened, which’s nice, since that made me relax and enjoy myself for a couple of hours.

Finishing up the chocolate cake, which is my all time favorite, we’re exchanging stories from all over. Some warm the heart and others make you laugh until you can’t breathe. My favourite are the ones Mr and Mrs Carter tell from when they were younger, a couple years after there marriage. 

“We heard noises coming from the chicken coop and we hoped it wasn’t anything serious since, we had just gotten the chicken eggs that day. Joyce and I went out and looked inside. Joyce of course was hiding behind me shaking like a dog.” Mr. Carter starts, his hands waving all over.

“William no one cares about those petty details! Just get to the point,” Mrs Carter interjects. Shaking his head, Mr. Carter continues.

“Anyways, sure enough there was a raccoon. It was-”

Once again Mrs Carter interjects. “It was huge, had those big yellow eyes. I was so scared, I thought I was going to faint.”

Mr. Carter gives his wife a playful glare and hits her shoulder. “As I was saying, there was a raccoon. Joyce and I started screaming and jumping around trying to scare the damn thing away.”

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