Chapter 1:The End Starts With A Bang

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Okay here is my second book on Wattpad. Hopefully it will be a lot better than my first. :)

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend! She's truly amazing! She's always there for me and can make me smile when I never want to. She's weird, wild, sweet, hilarious, and I love her! She's has many, many books on Wattpad and they are all amazing. You should definetely check them out!:) So do enjoy.

 On the side is Juliette!

Chapter 1

The End Starts With a Bang

 "How about this one?" I question, turning around to ask my best friend Juliette. I'm standing in what looks like tornado alley, right after a storm. There are clothes, accessories and shoes thrown across the room. Almost every inch of this room is occupied with clothing or accesories. The only clear parts of the room, is where I'm standing, in the middle of the room and where Juliette is currently sitting, on my bed.

Juliette turns her head up, away from the Vogue magazine she is reading. Her blond hair falls into her face. She automatically crinkles her nose. "I'm sorry Abi but, that...thing makes you look like a hobo. Yeah, a hobo."

I turn to the mirror in horror and couldn’t help but agree with my friend. "Yeah, you're right. I don't know why I ever even bought this dress."

Okay, you are probably thinking Juliette is a total bitch but, in reality she's a real sweetheart with a huge sarcastic and joking side. I love her to infinite and beyond. She's my other half, the sister I never had. We've been best friends since we were six.

"I'm not sure either. Maybe it was really cheap and bought it because you could. You definitely didn’t try it on."She smirks. I can tell by her eyes, she thinks this whole, ‘me in an ugly dress’ situation is highly amusing. “Unless your fashion senses have gone way down the drain.”

I roll my light blue eyes and sarcastically reply. "Yeah, that sounds about right,"

Juliette gets up and places her magazine on the bed. She starts to walk through the disaster zone, every once and awhile bending down and shuffling through a pile of clothes.

"Ugh! Why does getting ready for a party have to be so damn hard!" I sigh, pulling on my dirty blond hair. I'm getting more and more frustrated by the second. We’d been at this for two hours already! Two hours! And we haven't  found an outfit for Juliette or me.

"Not sure hun. We are girls, so stuff is a lot more complicated for us."

"It's so not fair!" I whine.

"You're sounding like you're two again," Juliette jokes, turning to me to give me a wink. I stick my tongue out at her.

"You're such a bitch!"

"But you love me that way!" She giggles, throwing me another wink.

"You bet!" I smile, loving how easy it is to go from insulting each other to saying we love each other. It's one of the reasons why I adore our friendship. No insults are ever taken seriously. 

I plunk down on my bed giving up on the idea that we would ever find me an outfit for  me tonight.

"Oi!" Juliette lets out a small, shrill scream.

"What?" I sit straight up, crossing my fingers that she has found something.

"Try. This. On. Now!" She shoves a black lacy dress into my hands. The material was soft and silky. 

"Okay, okay. Calm down!" I laugh at Juliette, the overexcited. I turn my back to her and strip down to put the dress on. The dress is easy to put on since I just only have to slip it over my head. I pull down on the ends of the dress to even it out. 

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