Chapter 4:Home Sweet Home

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Hello fellow readers. Just want to say thanks for reading:) Means a lot. 

Anyways this chapter is dedicated cskt17. She's the one who made my beautiful cover! She makes amazing covers, so if you need a perfect cover, go ask her. True talent I tell you. Thank you very much to cskt17! Now off we go.

This song is a song for a guy and a girl but once again pretend it's for Juliette and Abigale. It's a beautiful song.

Chapter 4

I can't help but grin. I have to admit I'm currently a happy camper. The doctor has just come in and told me that I'm allowed to my current hell, the hospital, today. If I wasn’t in such a crippled state than I would be jumping around and squealing  like a two year old.

I have been dying for this day to come, when I could finally go back to my own home. Sleep in my own bed, eat good food, hell, even watch my t.v.  Maybe this is the start to things getting better, maybe this was the start to a better summer. Wow, did I sound cheesy or what?

Of course though, there's the negative part of me, that's whispering in my ear. Telling me, that I can’t get my hopes up, because that will just lead me to a more devastating fall. If I get my hopes up, then when the bad news comes, it will be a punch to gut, a slap to the face. It will ruin me.

Congratulations Abigale, you should get a gold medal for being the best at ruining a perfect mood. I scold myself. It was only a minute ago where I was in an elevated mood. Then of course I have to go all negative on myself. 

I try shaking my head, to get rid of the thought but, how on Earth can I get rid of a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad thought? I feel like walking over to a wall and smacking my head on it. I can't keep a single happy thought in my head for a minute. It's pathetic. I hear the creak of the door but I don’t turn my head towards it. I'm not in the mood to socialize with people.

"Hi darling!" My mom’s voice breaks the silence. Her voice sounds so happy. "How are you?"

"Good, I guess," I say, letting no emotion go into my voice. I turn my head towards her. She's smiling like a crazy woman, and bouncing on her feet.

"So, did you get the news?" She asks, barely able to contain her excitement.

"If you mean that I'm leaving the hospital, then yeah."

"Yeah! Aren't you thrilled?" She asks, enthusiasm leaking from her words.

"Yeah, I am," I say, letting some of the excitement I was feeling before, come back. A small smile slips onto my face.

"So, I was wondering. Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? Or are you too tired? We could have dinner tonight at the house and then go out for supper later. What do you want?" She asks. That's my mom for you. Always planning, trying to come up with ideas to celebrate things. It was sweet but, it can be annoying.

"Uh, well I am tired so your second idea sounds fine." I say. I suppresa a sigh. All though I was coming home I'm not really up for celebrating, not for awhile at least.

"Okay Honey! That's what I thought you might say," She says, letting out an excited squeal. Wow mom, you aren’t seven, you’re forty-nine. Try to act your age.

"Mom, I was wondering if I could, um, visit Juliette?" I ask.

"Of course! You haven't seen here in almost a week." She smiles, but I winced. Way to announce that mom. Just say that I haven’t seen my best friend Juliette, who’s in a coma, since the accident.

"Okay, thanks." I mumble. "I'm just going to rest for a bit." 

"Okay. I'll wake you up in an hour." She comes to me and kisses my forehead. She gives me a small, confident smile and leaves. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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