Chapter 2 :Please stay

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Okay this chapter is dedicated to another one of my best friends. She's amazing and extraordinarily smart. She has a couple stories on Wattpad. They are all amazing and I'm extremely jealous of her writing skills. I can trust her 100% and I love her!!

On the side is Abigale

The song on the side is about a guy saying to a girl he won't let her go, but in this case just pretend it's a friend to a friend. :)

Chapter 2: Please Stay

As the sedan closes in, my body goes cold and everything slows down. They say that your life flashes before your eyes but all that passes through my head is Juliette’s piercing scream, and that is when everything goes black.


My eyes slowly open, to the blinding light. I quickly shut them. Damn lights. Why did they have to be so bright? Definitely not appreciated. I start to stretch my stiff legs but freeze immediately when sharp pains shoot through me, like bullets ripping through your body. I let out a moan of pain and clench my fists, trying to tone down the pain, not that it helps. 

"Oh my god! She's awake!" A woman to my left screams. I flinch, her piercing voice is an unnecessary surprise to my ears. Heels click against the floor, as the woman nears me.

 "Sweetie are you awake? Can you open your eyes? Oh no, the doctors said your eyes were fine! You can't open your eyes, can you?" My mother’s voice starts up hysterically. I can practically visualize her face, her blue eyes wide, her mouth in a tight line and her hands going to her hair, trying to smooth it down. My mom's a walking stress cloud. There's barely a day where she isn’t worried about something.

"Ellen, clam down. Don't crowd her," My dad’s calm, steady voice breaks through my mom’s worried rant. I can tell he's also anxious, but he's a lot better at keeping calm than my mom.

"I can open my eyes mom! I'm fine," I say, giving her a tight smile. I start to sit up but, I stop when the shooting pain shoots through me again. 

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" I moan. "It hurts everywhere!" I close my eyes and lay back down, letting the pain subside. My mom sits down on my bed and a look of despair crosses her face. She brings her hand to my face and strokes my hair, something she hasn’t done since I was six.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you are okay! When we heard you were in a severe accident I thought of the worse. Oh god, I’m just so happy you’re breathing," She smiles, but her lips were trembling. I nod my head and give her a small smile. 

“Severe accident? What happened? I can’t remember anything. It’s all fuzzy,” I say, trying to think back to what happened, but my head throbs, telling me to stop.

My mom gives a tight smile. "Well, I don’t really know how to say this but, you and Juliette were in a car accident. You were crossing an intersection when a car came  and slammed into the side of your car."

I let out a breath of air. "Okay, so I am somewhat okay. What about Juliette? Is she okay? How severe are my injuries? Anything permanent?"

"So many questions Abigale!” My mom lets out a small chuckle. “You have a broken leg, a broken arm, a badly sprained ankle, and broken ribs. You had glass taken out of your face and arms. One of your broken ribs almost punctured your lungs but, fortunately it didn't. You also have swelling in your brain so they want to keep you a couple nights to make sure everything is okay. I don’t believe there’s any permanent damage except memory loss from the night and you may have small trauma issues. The doctors say you’re lucky."

“Wow,” I breathe. “At least I’m alive.” I feel a sense of relief wash over me. I'm okay, there is nothing too serious. I'm going to be okay. I sudden thought crosses my head. Is Juliette okay? I have a terrible gut feeling that Juliette isn't in the same boat as me, probably a lot worse.

"Mom, where is Juliette?" I ask in a steady, calm but panic was quickly rising. 'Everything is fine! She's probably in the same situation as me. Having to stay a couple nights.' I try to reassure myself but getting nowhere. 

" see..." My mom stutters.

"What. Is. Wrong. With. Juliette?" I ask, fear lacing through my words.

My mom starts to tear up, in a trembling words, she says. "Juliette. Well, she's not doing as well as you."

Tears silently start streaming down my face. "What does that mean?" I ask, barely audible.

"She's in a coma," My mom whispers. "She was on the side of the car where the car hit. Her whole right side shattered. Well not completely. Her right shoulder, her arm, her leg, her hip. A lot of her facial bones. A couple of her ribs punctured her lungs. Her right side of her brain is in critical condition. Also her spine was damaged." 

I start shaking. Tears pouring down my face. I can't think, I'm not even sure if I'm breathing. I whimper. "Wh-What's th-the possibility of h-her living?"

That causes my mom to start crying really hard. That gives me my answer. My heart sinks and all of the little energy I had leaves. 

"Not very high. She's in critical condition." My mom bawls, her mascara running down her face.

"Please, please say this is a cruel joke. Please say she is about to walk in here smiling like nothing happened!" I cry. 'This couldn't be happening to me! Not to my best friend. Not the one who knows me like the back of her hand. Not the one who's beautiful in every way. The one who makes any terrible day not so bad. Please say my best friend will pull through this. She's strong. She can survive anything.' I try convincing myself, knowing it's useless.

"I'm so sorry Abigale. I'm so sorry." My mom says repeatedly, while stroking my head. I just want to scream in sorrow. It feels like I have been stabbed repeatedly in the heart. 

"Why Juli? Why her? Why my best friend? She doesn't deserve this!" I sob.

"I don't know sweetie, I don't know." My mom says, trying comforting me, but it's pointless. Nothing can comfort me at the moment, nothing at all.

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