Voiceless!EraserMic (Aizawa x Hizashi)

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Hizashi sat in the hospital bed, looking down at his lap. His throat hurt, but of course it would. His vocal cords were absolutely busted. Not only was the damage irreversible, no matter how strong someone's healing quirk was, but he wouldn't ever be able to talk again.

Was he upset? Of course he was. Not only was his voice something he needed for everyday life, it was his job. All his jobs involved his voice one way or another. He wouldn't be able to do them anymore. Not even his favorite job- working at UA as a teacher. He knew sign language, but he doubted the students would sit through that.

Hizashi looked up as the door opened, seeing Aizawa walk in slowly. His arms were full of things- balloons, plushies, flowers, and cards. He perked up immediately, grinning as he waved. He was going to open his mouth to speak but he quickly kept it shut. He forgot he couldn't speak sometimes, no matter how fresh it was in his memory.

"Hey Zashi.. How are you?" The blond gave a thumbs up. Aizawa didn't know much sign language, so he had to do what he could. He was still teaching him. His friend smiled faintly and nodded, sighing. Hizashi knew Aizawa was more upset than he was.

The whole thing happened because of a villain. Hizashi got distracted, he wasn't paying attention. The villain got behind him, and by the time Aizawa had noticed, the villain had already did his damage. He could tell Aizawa still hadn't forgiven himself for not saving him on time.

The blond smiled as Aizawa handed him the things. He hugged the plushies close and looking through the cards. One was from Kaminari, from Sero, from Mina, from Tenya.

"Kids wanted to make you cards." The dark haired male explained, rubbing the back of his neck, "They spent an entire homeroom on them.. I usually wouldn't make exceptions for that but.." Hizashi gazed up with him with emerald eyes, "But its you. So I decided it was fine."

Hizashi grinned and pressed his hand to his chin, and arched it down. Sign language for 'thank you'. Aizawa chuckled and pulled up a chair, sitting beside the hospital bed.

"Yeah, your welcome.." he watched as the blond began to read the cards one by one. He didnt understand why he was still so cheerful after what happened to him. Aizawa could've saved him. He wasn't that far away. He was merely a few steps away, but for once in his life he froze. This was his best friend.

Aizawa couldn't believe he let that happen to him. Now not only would he not be able to talk, but he wouldn't even be able to do his favorite things. Like sing, rant on about quirks of music, make jokes, laugh..

Hizashi looked over to Aizawa when he heard him sniffling. He hadn't realized he was crying until he saw droplets of tears land on the sheets of the hospital bed, and he was quick to wrap his arms around him holding him close.

Hizashi had never seen him cry before. But he let him. He rubbed his back soothingly, kissing his head gently. This is when he wished he was still able to speak. He could comfort him so easily with just the sound of his voice.

Aizawa day up after a moment, rubbing his eyes. He gave Hizashi a weak smile.

"I uh.. I learned something. How to say something in sign language.." Aizawa mumbled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. Hizashi perked up, grinning as he nodded quickly. He watched eagerly as the raven haired male tried to remember, then began to move his hands.

He began to spell out 'I love you'. It took Hizashi a moment, since he was so used to saying the easier version instead of spelling it out. Aizawa sat nervously, his cheeks lighting up in a gentle rosy color. The blond hugged onto him tightly, grinning widely.

"I-I'm guessing you feel the same?" The dark haired male asked shyly. The blond nodded quickly and grinned, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Aizawa gave a breath of relief and buried his face into his shoulder, his blush reaching the tips of his ears.

They stayed curled up against one another, finishing on reading the cards Class-1A had sent, the staff, and students from other classes as well. Hizashi was sure he'd get more mail from his fans when he got home.

Even if Hizashi lost something important that day, he gained something even more important to him that he was sure to protect this time.

Word Count: 771 words

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