Eraserhead (Shouta Aizawa) headcannons

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•He had his hair short most of his life. He only started growing it out when he noticed girls would take naps and use their long hair to cover their faces.

•He kept to himself most of his life too- shocker- until Hizashi came in. The boy would talk his ear off and he eventually just began to talk to him.

•At first he was only being nice but he actually grew to like him after a few conversations and hanging out sometimes after school.

•Especially when Hizashi basically saved his life from a low-level villain one day. It's why he's somewhat grateful for his obnoxious quirk.

•He noticed Hizashi started growing out his hair after they met too. Whether it was from admiration or anything similar, he found it somewhat cute.

•But he's a pansexual boy too. After being rejected countless times in his lifetime, he's willing to love anyone who will love him just the same.

•He's self taught in fighting. He carries a knife around as well but he's never really had to use it- his fighting is usually enough to keep villains at bay.

•He can't handle having too much silence sometimes. Like when he's at home in bed late at night and all he can hear is the silence. That's when he calls up Hizashi for him to come over.

•He doesn't use the L word a lot— but he really does love Hizashi. (Platonically or romantically your choice)

•He's never had his first kiss.

•He's never had his first time either. He considers himself a demisexual- he doesn't just want to go having sex with anyone he meets. He wants it to be with someone he genuinely loves and wants it to be special.

•Aizawa still has his UA uniform from his teen days. He likes to look back on it now and then along with a few pictures he has.

•He can sing very well- he just doesn't do it too often. The only two people he's comfortable singing around is Hizashi and Toshinori. Though he usually just sings with Hizashi.

•He can play piano. He's a little rusty on it since he hasn't really played since his 20s, but he can still play it somewhat well. He also plays drums.

•Him and Hizashi usually play together too when they have time after grading papers and not doing hero work. While he plays drums, Hizashi plays guitar.

•He wants kids one day. Maybe after he retires, maybe sooner, but he will have kids. He doesn't care if they're his or adopted either.

•He already has plans for when he does retire. He can't wait for it, but at the same time he doesn't want to stop being a hero. Even if he isn't as popular as others, he still likes helping.

•He brings himself down a lot. There's days where he doesn't think he'll ever really find someone who loves him for who he is- even if he's tired and irritable at times, and with his messy hair and stubble and how he just doesn't want to leave the bed for days at a time— Hizashi helps him through those days.

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