IidaDeku (Tenya x Midoriya)

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Midoriya and Tenya were dating for a few months already. They did the usual couple things- hold hands, hug, go on dates- but they hadn't had their first kiss yet. It wasn't that big a problem, they didn't believe in needing to rush things, but their fellow classmates thought otherwise.

"You guys haven't kissed yet?" Kirishima asked Midoriya in disbelief, "You've been dating so long already! Might as well do it- you two will be together forever."

"Is it a big problem we haven't?" Midoriya asked shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, no, of course not. But it's just a little strange." Sero said, his arm wrapped around Kaminari's waist, "Me and Denki kissed within the first few week- Kirishima and Bakugo didn't even wait a day."

"Shut it you human tape dispenser." Bakugo snapped, but he quieted down when Kirishima ran a hand through his hair with a gentle smile.

"Point is- you should kiss him." Kaminari said with a smile, "It really determines whether you'll be with that person or not."

"Definitely does not determine that." Sero snorted, kissing his boyfriend's head with a grin.

"Okay okay, I just want them to kiss already." Kaminari pouted, crossing his arms, "You two are such a cute couple!"

"Who's a cute couple?" Tenya walked up, adjusting his classes. Midoriya flushed brightly and looked down at his desk.

"You and Midoriya!" Kirishima chirped, and it was Tenya's turn to blush. He only gave a smile and small, respectful bow in reply.

"Thank you! Midoriya, you're very red, did they get you all flustered?" Tenya gently cupped Midoriya's cheek, tilting his head up to look at him. The blue haired boys looked up as they other students let out a unison of 'ooh's. Tenya looked down at his boyfriend, giving him a questioning look.

"they want us to kiss.." he mumbled back shyly, his freckled nearly hidden from his dark blush. Tenya nodded, his mouth forming a small 'o', thinking for a moment.

"Uh, would you like to?" He asked softly.

"Anything if it'll make them stop staring." Midoriya groaned, making Tenya laugh with a bright smile. He slowly began to lean down, and the green haired boy could feel his heart beginning to thrum in his chest. He'd never felt more anxious in his life.

The others had gotten scarily silent, and he was going to turn to see their expressions but Tenya's lips were pressed to his and he couldn't help but melt and kiss back.

The kiss didn't last long, barely more than 10 seconds- since everyone was cheering them and Midoriya needed vetting up flustered.

"Satisfying enough?" Tenya looked over at the others as they nodded, running a hand through his boyfriend's hair as he mumbled about how embarrassing it was and how he'd get them back eventually.

"Hey, don't worry my little star shine.. We can do it again later, in a more private setting." He mumbled, kissing Midoriya's forehead as he held him close. Midoriya flushed brightly and nodded.

"Yeah um- o-okay," He said softly, smiling softly up at the blue haired boy.

They did indeed, make the second kiss worth it.

Word Count: 514 words

Forgive me it's very short but I also had no idea what to write— sorry!!

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