Quirkless!EraserMic (Aizawa x Hizashi) Part 2

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Aizawa began to go to the cafe daily for the past 5 months. He didn't plan on it, but after talking to Hizashi a few times during his breaks and texting him into the late night, it began to feel like a need to see him. He wouldn't even order anything most of the time. He usually just stayed for Hizashi's break and then left once he had to go back.

Currently Aizawa was seated at his usual seat, grading a few papers in front of him as he waited for the familiar blond to come up and talk to him like he always did. He looked up to watch the said man, watching as he waltzed around behind the counter. He was always so enthusiastic and bubbly, it was nice to see a grown up like him keep his childlike nature.

Aizawa hadn't even noticed how long he was staring until Hizashi gave him an enthusiastic wave, a bright smile on his face. He of course waved back. He wore his glasses today, claiming he'd lost one of his contacts putting them on that morning. He liked him better with glasses anyways. It added a cute nerdy-ness to him.

The dark haired male went back to grading, burying his face into the scarf he wore. He wondered if he should get drink- it was rather cold outside and something to warm him up wouldn't hurt. He heard footsteps walk toward him, the emerald eyes he'd grown to like looking down at him.

"Hey 'Zashi." Aizawa set down his own, smiling at Hizashi.

"Hey Sho- whatcha doing?" He shifted beside him to peek over his shoulder, "Ooh- Todoroki did good again I see." By now, they'd spoken so much of his students the blond knew all about them.

"Yeah. Is that drink for me?" Aizawa looked up at Hizashi, seeing a small blush spread over his cheeks.

"Ah- yes, it' is. Thought you could use something warm." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, "It's hot chocolate! Here." He began to set down the drink when he was tugged down roughly. Suddenly, their lips were pressed together.

Hizashi almost spilled the drink but managed to keep it upright, his eyes widening at the sudden kiss. He looked down at Aizawa for a moment and saw his eyes closed, a light blush on the pale man's cheeks. He let his own eyes close as he kissed back slowly, gripping onto the chair the shorter male sat in.

They pulled away a few seconds later, bright blushes on their cheeks.

"That was, um.. That was unexpected." The blond chuckled, adjusting his glasses. Aizawa chewed his lip anxiously.

"I should've asked first- I know but.. You're a lot cuter than you should be."

"That's your argument?" Hizashi laughed, shaking his head, "It's okay. I liked it.. a lot, actually." He gently cupped Aizawa's cheek, gently running his thumb over his bottom lip, "That was a lot better than I expected as your first kiss.." Aizawa chuckled and kissed his thumb, watching his cheeks burst into a blush again.

"You bring out the best in me, I suppose." He muttered, leaning into his touch with a sigh, "Would you like to come to mine when you're done working? I'd like to see if we can make this work.." The blond nodded rapidly, a grin on his face.

"Of course! I should get back to work, actually." He leaned down, pressing another kiss to the other male's lips, "You finish grading your papers." He pulled away, too soon in Aizawa's opinion, and headed back behind the counter.

Aizawa watched as Hizashi's face brightened in his blush as his coworkers cheered him. He chuckled and shook his head, looking down at the papers in front of him. He wanted to finish them now so he'd have time with his- hopefully- new boyfriend.

Things were going right for him for once.

Word Count: 647 words 

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