But it's just Zayn. Using my phone.

"I know we're back in our bodies but are we still on for tonight? We can still go as friends? In case it happens again? xx"

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

I will not be his rebound girl!

He can't move on from Perrie and now he's asking me to go out with him?

I mean, it's okay, we could get to know each other as friends, but what would people think? What would Harry think?

His phone buzzed again.

"Oh and this guy named Niall just texted saying he's in LA and that he's on his way to your house. He kept calling but of course I didn't answer because then he would hear my voice. You dating him? and you have Harry? Naughty girl. xx"

Look who's talking!

I replied:

"He's my step brother, you asshole!"

and then I put the phone down.

I heard the doorbell ring and Maria probably already opened the door.

I ran out of my room and saw Niall wearing a red snapback, a white shirt and a green backpack. He looks like a school boy. A hot one. Seriously, if he weren't my stepbrother, I would gladly date him.

I shrugged my thoughts off and ran down the stairs and into Niall's arms.

"Heeeeyyy how's my favorite stepsister!"

"I AM your only sister, douche. What brings you here? I missed you!"

"Well, me mum's on a trip with your dad and I had to go visit sum friends in here so I decided I should just drop by." He said in his Irish accent.

"Well you should stay here for several nights!"

"I can't because I have to go and try out for a soccer team back home. I missed you so much! Where's your mum?"

My mom has met Niall several times and they treat each other like they're blood-related. Niall's also against his mom and my dad's relationship but since they're both happy, he just pretends to support them. He knows what me and my mom are going through, and my mom knows that Niall's also having a hard time, so since the first time they met, they have maintained a harmonious relationship with each other.

"I guess she already left for work but she's going to be back at around five."

"Well, I'm knackered but I wanna watch a movie and I'm craving for pizza and cheeseburger. Let's go to the mall? We have got a lot of catching up to do."

"Okay, let me just get ready. Make yourself at home! You can come up to my room if you want!" I said while running up to my room.

Me and Niall are very close. He's their school's heartbreaker and he never really had a girlfriend. He just keeps on rejecting his "admirers".

Is he gay? No.

He just wants to live his life while he's young. He thinks that a girlfriend is a responsibility, but he's not ready for that yet.

He calls himself a "carefree mofo", he doesn't really care about what people have to say about him. He's so carefree that he even fractured his knee several times.

I took a bath and when I came out of the shower, I realized that Niall was in front of the computer, watching Zayn's video while eating chips. Where did the chips come from?

"Hey, I know this guy. You stalking him? What's his name again? Zan? Zan Malik?"

"It's ZAYN. And how do you know it's him?"

"I used to go to LA before to watch soccer games with me friends. I saw him play before and I recognize his tattoos. Ya like this guy?"

"Oh, no he's my... friend."

"He better be. Heard he's a heartbreaker."

"You are, too!"

"Well, I'm different, Love. I don't hurt girls on purpose. Anyway, this Zen guy, why doesn't he show his face in his videos?"

"He doesn't want people to know that he sings."

"Tell you what, he's pretty good. And the song choice is perfect." He says. He knows this because he also sings well.

"I know."

I was now in my walk in closet, changing into something comfortable. I decided to wear a white shirt and green shorts and red shoes to match Niall's outfit.

When I came out of my closet, I heard Niall laughing out loud at some funny youtube video of a guy falling on stage during a concert.

His face was now red and he couldn't stop his laughing fit.

He's so adorable.

"Okay, now let's go." I said

We left the house and Niall drove my car to the mall. He's different now, somehow it feels like he's grown up since I last saw him two months ago. Something's different.

"Are you in love?" I asked him.

"No, why would you ask that?"

"You look different."

"Maybe it's because I have just experienced my first heart break and I've never felt so alive."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember that girl Amy from the guitar store? When you left, we had just started dating. A month after, she told me she had to study in London. After that, I've been miserable. But then I thought that people leave for a reason, ya kno? They don't just decide to leave everything behind and struggle adjusting to another place. Maybe that's what they're destined to do. So just let her go. If yer meant to be, it will be."

That was when I knew that he was ready for love.

We walked into the mall hand-in-hand, looking like a couple.

We watched a movie called "Guardians of the Galaxy" which was funny, by the way, and then went to a shoe store so we could find the perfect pair for Niall. I bought the shoes for him as a birthday present and then left the store. On our way out, we saw Harry who was laughing with a girl. The girl had straight blonde hair and she was wearing a dress that I've seen in one of my magazines. Her back was turned on us so I couldn't see her face, but judging by her body shape, she won against me and it was a landslide victory.

A familiar sense of insecurity dawned upon me and I didn't realize that I was staring at them until Niall called me out.

"Stace! What are you staring at?" When he said that, Harry looked into our direction and saw me who was still staring at him.

"Stacy?" He said, looking at me, and then at Niall who just grabbed my hand, and then back at me.

Hi Niall girls! I hope you liked this chapter :) I was scared of writing for Niall because I was afraid I wouldn't get him right, but I still gave it a try! How was it?

Can you guess what's going to happen? :)

And the date's going to be in the next chapter (or the chapter after that), so stay tuned for the update!!!

I updated thrice this week because I have exams, so please be patient :)

Vote/comment/promote this story please!!!

And thank you for those who already did!

You guys keep me going. :)

If you have suggestions, you can comment here or message me or tweet me at @headbitchnarry :)

Thank you!!! :)


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