Seoyeon-" What was that for?"

Vernon -" Don't tell them that I am gay."

Seoyeon-" Okay. But there is another person who knows too."

Vernon -" Who?"

Seoyeon-" Yoongi."

Vernon -" Of course it is him. But tell him anyways. Also, my boyfriend is waiting for me."

Seoyeon- "Lets go. We don't want him to wait. Do we?"

Vernon -" Lets go and grab your friends."

Seoyeon-" Okay."

I grab my friends and we went to where his boyfriend is.

No one POV

Mingyu -" Vernon. Your back."

He look beside of him and see Seoyeon first because his arms are wrap around her shoulders. He web to were Vernon is and told him

Mingyu -" Are you cheating on me?"

They all had a surprise face.

Rose -" As you perhaps gay?"

Mingyu then wink so that only Vernon and Seoyeon can see. Then they start to laugh.

Jennie -" What is so funny?"

Seoyeon-" You thought that he is gay."

Lisa -" Are they?"

Vernon -" Nope. I am straight as a stick."

Lisa -" But stick are sometime not straight."

Vernon -" So you dont know if we are gay or straight."

They all then laugh.

"It felt like I knew them for a while." They all thought.

Seoyeon-" So when did you come back?"

Vernon -" We came back last week."

Seoyeon-" You didn't even text or call me."

Vernon -" Well the thing I that... Umm..."

Mingyu -" I scared him in the bathroom while he was doing his business and he drop his phone in the toilet."

He smiled innocently.

Vernon -" That happen and I have to get a new phone and I forgot your number."

He said while giving a glare at Mingyu.

Seoyeon-" Okay."

They all try to hold their laugh.

Vernon -" Just laugh already."

They all laugh start to laugh. Then he start to join in their laugh.

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