Chapter 3

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Jungkook POV

I was walking when I saw the new girl that is in my class. This is going to be interesting. 

Seoyeon POV

Jungkook- "Hey beautiful."

He grab my wrist. I look at him. 

Dang. He is good looking. 

Seoyeon- " What do you want.'

Jungkook- "I want one thing and that is you."

I smiled at him and said

Me- "Thank you but I don't want you."

When I said that I push him back to the other lockers. Wow, I must be strong or something because there was a loud noise when he hit those lockers. I went up to him and step on his foot and punch (When I mean punch I mean like a boxer hitting you in the face.) him in the face.

I walked away before he can do anything. When I turn around the corner, I saw, I think six boys standing there. Some were laughing at him, but I didn't care because they were boys.

Jungkook POV

She walked away and than I turn my head to the other side. That is when I saw my friends standing there and one of them, Jimin, was laughing at me.

Jungkook- "Yah, why are you laughing at me."

Jimin- "Because a girl just punch you in the face and it looks like it hurt you."

Seokjin- "But who would punch him. I mean we are the most popular boys at this school."

Taehyung-" It is probably the new girl, but she is a nerd. I mean how can a nerd punch him. Look how strong he is."

Jungkook- YAH. Why are you here anyway?"

Namjoon- " Well we heard a loud noise, so we came here."

Hoseok- " We thought it was you who was bully somebody, not somebody bullying you. Like, you must go to the gym or something, Jungkook."

 Jungkook- "Anyways were is Yoongi."

Yoongi- " YAH. I am right here you know."

Jimin- "Sorry you were to short."

Yoongi- "At least I am taller than Jimin."

Yoongi- "I don't care. I am going to class."

He walked away to class.

Seoyeon POV

I walked to class and saw Lisa. She waved her hand for me to go over there with her friends. I walked over and saw her friends and also screamed.


Rose- "Quiet down. You are going to break my eardrums."

Me- "Sorry"

I hug all of them. 

That is when Lisa saw that my wrist was red.

Lisa- "Why is your wrist red."

Seoyeon- "Because this guys push me against the lockers, and he called me beautiful."


Seoyeon-"Um... he is muscular and good looking."


Jisoo- "Because he is a playboys."

Rose-"Just like his friends."


Then the teacher walks in.

Teacher - " We have a new student. Will you please introduce yourself." 

I walk up and introduce myself again. When I was done i walk back to my desk, until someone stick there foot out for me to trip on. Instead I step on her foot. 

Me- "Sorry." I said as I walked pass her. Not even looking at her.

???- "Miss, she step on my foot

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

???- "Miss, she step on my foot."

Ms. Gee "Ms. Wendy, I saw that you stick your foot out purposely and she did say sorry."


Jungkook- "Hey, shut up."  

Wendy POV

When the boy said that, I was going to say that but my boyfriend, Jungkook, said it for me. 

Wendy- "Can you please help me get back at her."

Jungkook- "Sure, Baby."

Of course he would do everything for me and also that he is the most popular boys at this school. So no one would go against him.

*Time Skip*

Seoyeon POV

It was time for Art.

*Time Skip*

Ms. Kim-"Time to present"

After a while I was called up last.

Jungkook POV

Ms.Kim-"JUNGKOOK. Stop staring at girls and present yours. 

I go up and present mine.

Jungkook- "I drew the Aurora Borealis it is colorful and bring happiness to you."

Ms.Kim -"Okay, next is Seoyeon."

She goes up and present her drawing.

Seoyeon- "I drew a eye because the most beautiful things you see are what you see."

Ms. Kim-"That was beautiful. Thank you."

It really was beautiful. WAIT, what am i thinking.


Seoyeon POV

It was lunch time. I was walking until I bump into my brother. 

Seoyeon- "Hey lets go to lunch together."

Xiumin- "I think that I am fine. Bye."

He ran off before I can say anything to him.

I want to go get my lunch. After that I sat down at a table. After a while 7 boys starts to sit down. I look up and it is....











Mark and his friends.

Mark- "Hey Seoyeon."

Seoyeon-"Hey Mark."

I went back to eating. Even though a lot was staring at me. After a while I heard screaming. Since I didn't care, I kept eating. After a while, I felt like someone was behind. So I looked at Mark and his friends. They were looking behind me. I stand up and turn than someone pour water on me. It was.....

A/N: Who do you guys think that was????

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