Chapter 8

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In last part.

Xiumin - "Why did you do this?"

Eunwoo - "Do what? I was going to ask you why you put firecracker in my room."

Then they both look at me. OHHHH GOSH. I AM GOING TO DIE!!!

Xiumin/Eunwoo - "SEOYEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I were running around trying not to get caught by them. While I was running I bump into many counters. When they caught me, there was a lot of bruises on my body.

Seoyeon - "See what you done. Now I have bruises for running around."

Eunwoo/Xiumin - "Not our fault."

Sometimes I think that they are twin.

Seoyeon - "We have 10 minutes. Hurry up and dress up."

While they were dressing I walked out of the door. While walking Eunwoo walked beside me.

Eunwoo - " Seoyeon *panting* how do you *panting* walk so fast?"

Seoyeon - "Maybe it is because you guys are so slow."

We walked for 5 minutes. We walked in the school.

Seoyeon - "Bye."

I walked away and he was dumbfounded.

When I walked into class no one look at me. Which was good. Then the teacher walked in.

Teacher - "Okay class. We have a new students. You can walked in right now." 

I was jut reading my book because I didn't care about them. Then they walked in and I heard the girls squeal and talk about them.

Girl 1 - "OMG. He is so hot."

Girl 11 - "He is so going to mine."

Teacher - "Okay girls. Stop and they will introduce himself."

They introduce themselves but I was not listening to them. While I was zoned out, that person sat in the seat beside me. Shoot. Why does he have to sit there. I didn't look at him or talk to him. Then the bell ring, which I was glad because the guy keep staring at me. I walked out of the class. I walked to lunch and got my food. After I got my food, I went and sat at the table in the corner. 

???- " Hey can I sit here."

Seoyeon- " No." I said coldly.

I guess he didn't get the hint because he sat next to me. 

Seoyeon - "Can you please not piss me off more than I already am."

I look up and it is Eunwoo.

Seoyeon - "Eunwoo!!!

Eunwoo - "That is me."

Seoyeon - "Why didn't you tell me that you are going to my school today."

Eunwoo- "It was suppose to be a surprise, but since you don't want me here then I will go away."

Seoyeon  - " Sorry Sorry. Ok. What do you want me to do?" (Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry,  Super Juniors) 

Eunwoo - "Treat me to dinner. Today."

Seoyeon - "Where?"

Eunwoo-"How about that fancy restaurant that is like 10 minutes from your house?"

Seoyeon - "Okay we will go there. And were something nice. Okay."

He nods their head.

Seoyeon - "Okay, we will go at 5 P.M." 

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