Chapter 14

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Yoongi-" Jiwoo surname was Kim but she got....
Taehyung POV

I wanted to know the real reason between Jiwoo and Seoyeon. While I was listening i heard Yoongi said  the last part I was so surprise that I felled backward. Which in fact made a loud noise. Then they had to open the door before I can run away. They both pull me in and drag me to the bed.

Yoongi-" We might as well tell the other boys.


Yoongi " She is...

Jimin -" She is married?"

Yoongi-" Yep."

Seokjin  -" She is married. I am so surprise. But anyways. Tell us the reason why they left to go to the United States?"

Yoongi- " Seoyeon and Jiwoo have to move for the sake of their company."

Jungkook-" Seoyeon works for the company, too."

Yoongi-" Yep. She is not bad at working for the company. She is really good. Probably better than her sister, Jiwoo."

Jungkook -" But why is she dress as a nerd?"

Namjoon -" Our maknae is is interested in someone."

Jungkook -" That is not the reason why. Okay. Anyways. Tell me the reason why she is dress as a nerd."

Yoongi-" If you look closely you can tell that she really isn't dress as a nerd. Just glasses and braces and her clothing style is more toward a nerd because she is a geek when it comes to stuff like school and business."

Jungkook - " Okay. Can I ask you when is Jiwoo coming back?"

Yoongi-" Why? You like her?"

Jungkook-" No. She is marry and I can't like a married woman."

Yoongi -" Probably in two years. That is what Seoyeon said."

Jungkook -" Okay."

Namjoon -" Anyways. Let's all go to sleep. We all have school tomorrow."

Jungkook -" But I don't want to go to school tomorrow."

Namjoon -" We should try to have good grades for Jiwoo. I mean she would be proud of us."

Jungkook -" Your right. Anyways I am going to sleep than. Bye."

Jungkook than went to his room and slept like a baby.

Namjoon -" Can't believe he felled for it. Anyways let's go to sleep."

They all went to sleep except for one person.

Yoongi POV

I couldn't go to sleep. I didn't know how long I was going to lie to them. I didn't know if one day, i will burst and tell them the truth. But I promise her and I will keep my promise.

Seoyeon POV

I am on the aeroplane. It was night time but I still couldn't sleep. I was thinking of something. I didn't want to tell them. I probably made their hopes up high. And they will probably wait for me. I promise him and I still lie to him. I didn't even tell my other friends that I left. I hope that Yoongi will be able to tell them. 

I told him that I will come back in two years. But what if I lie.

What if I was never coming back. What if they wait for me for so long that they get mad at me because I lie.

Xuimin-" Seoyeon. Go to sleep and don't stess yourself."

I guess he notice that I stress out a lot.

Seoyeon- " Okay."

I than went to sleep.

I didn't know what my future hold for me. Maybe it will be good or maybe it will be bad. But what ever it is. I will be happy for it. No matter what.


Was it a bad mistake to go to the United States. Will she ever come back? Will she keep her promise to Yoongi?

Thank you guys for reading this story. It is probably bad. Sorry for the grammar mistake. I hope you guys like this story.

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