„"You... you proposed to her, didn't you?" He questions and I hum a response. "And she said no? I don't believe you."

„Mhm, well you have to."I mumble, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment. He actually warned me that it probably won't go as planned but I didn't listen. I was too into the idea of making her mine officially.

„Where is Rose now? Is she not with you?"

"She's somewhere on the beach and I'm still in the car. She walked away right after and I just don't know what to do. Should I talk to her or should I let her be for a while?" I question, leaning my head back against the seat while closing my eyes.

„Well... I think you should be with her. Shawn, you know that she loves you. She probably thinks that you are mad at her now. So go and talk to her." Geoff answers and I nod.

Realizing that he can't see me I murmur a 'yes'. "Just say it." I sigh, knowing he has been holding it back the whole phone call. "Say what?" Rolling my eyes, I avert my gaze out of the window.

„That you were right. I should have talked to her about it instead of proposing to her out of nowhere. I was just so excited... I honestly didn't think she would say no. Guess, I was too sure of myself." I chuckle, rubbing my temples.

"Shawn, she surely has reasons. Talk to her. It will be fine." Geoff reassures.

„I hope so. Thanks man, I'll go now."

„Anytime. Bye Shawn."

After I ended the call, I inhale deeply before hoping out of the car, grabbing a blanket for Rose along the way. It's completely dark and chilly outside and she's dressed in only my shirt.

While walking along the shore, my eyes scan the beach for any sight of her until I make out a small figure sitting on a rock not too far away.

Relief washes over me as as I recognize her beautiful hazel colored hair. Thank god, I already feared that she ran somewhere further and got lost or something. Slowly, I approach her from behind.

She doesn't move an inch but she probably already heard me so I carefully place the blanket over her back and shoulders. As my hands brush her bare arms, I feel how cold her skin is, therefore I gently rub my hands up and down to warm her up a little.

Still not getting a reaction out of her, I sit down on the rock aswell before brushing the hair that hid her face behind her ear. Immediately she turns her head away and I let out a sigh. "Love, don't you want to go back into the car? It's getting cold." I speak softly but again she says nothing.

Was it so upsetting that I asked her to be my wife? I feel a painful sting in my chest as she suddenly stands up and start to head into the other direction. "Honey?" I call after her but she doesn't stop.

Quickly, I catch up to her, clutching her wrist to make her stop. "Could you please talk to me?" I question, becoming slightly impatient with her behavior as she avoids to look at me once again.

„Let me go." She mumbles, attempting to pull her hands out of my grip but I don't let her. If it was so bad of me to ask, then she should say it to my face. "Rose, can you please look at me?" I ask, but she only continues to try to shove my hands off.

„I said, let me go." She repeats and I chuckle drily. "Seriously? You know what? Sorry that I didn't know that asking you to marry me was such a bad thing. You could have just told me instead of making me worry what's wrong for half an hour." I say blankly, more hurt than angry but she doesn't have to know.

Shaking my head in disappointment, I spin around but can't help to stop in my tracks as I hear a broken whimper escape her. Damn it. Why can't I stay strong for like five seconds when it comes to her?

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