Chapter 18

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Rose's s POV:
"Can I have your girlfriend now?"
Liam. Wait... that's not possible. My heart starts beating rapidly as I turn around but as fast as a small smile appeared on my lips it disappeared again.

I blink a few times noticing that it was only a boy, smiling at me. "Gladly." Shawn says, letting the little girl down. "Good. Let's go?" The boys questions, holding his hand out for me to take.

I chuckle, trying to overcome that weird feeling I got as I thought it was him. Why do I still think about him? Why do I still feel hurt when I think about what he did. Boys are just all the same. Nothing but jerks.

"Sorry but I was only joking." Shawn says, grabbing my arm to pull me towards him. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple. It's hard not to throw up now so I just smile. "Too bad." The boy winks, blowing me a air kiss as we walk away.

"Thank you guys! See you." Shawn says, waving at them. "Aww. That was so cute." Ava grins, bumping my shoulder with hers. I just shoot her a glare, taking my bag only to have it grabbed out of my hands again.

Shawn slings the strap over his shoulder, taking the suitcase in his other hand. "You really think I would let you carry that, hun." He smirks, heading with the others towards the exit. "I ship it." Ava whisper, walking past me.

"You know I really start to dislike you again." I grumble, shoving my hands into my pocket. I sigh, meeting Geoff's gaze who approaches me. "Hey Rose?" He says, smiling lightly as we follow the rest. "What is it?" I ask.

"Look, I didn't mean to come too near to you. I'm really sorry. Is there anything I can do that you are not mad at me anymore?" "I'm not mad. It's fine." I say, looking up to him. "Okey good." He smiles but I could see his worried gaze sticking to my arm.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I ask, snapping my fingers in front of his face to make him look up. "Huh? Uh- no no. Let's go." Geoff says, shooting me a smile before he walks off.

I sigh, shaking my head as I follow them. I approach the car just after Geoff seeing that there is the boy standing from earlier. I furrow my eyebrows leaning over to Ava.

„What is a fan doing with us?" I ask, watching him. He has light brown hair, is pretty tall and has tattoo on the back of his hand. He looks really good to be honest. "I'm not a fan." He chuckles.

"I'm Austin. Nice to meet you." He smiles, shaking my hand, then planting a kiss on it. "Nice to meet you too." I say, raising my eyebrows. "He's the opening act since James went home due family problems." Andrew says, nudging Shawn who is focused on his phone.

"But he will just stay the opening act if he keeps his hands off my girl." Shawn says, wrapping his arm around my lower back. "I would never steal someone's girlfriend." Austin chuckles, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Alright guys, let's go back to the hotel. Shawn and Rose, you have to change into something other than joggers for the interview." Andrew states, opening the car door. "Why me?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You both are going to the interview Rose." Andrew smiles, noticing my worried expression.

"Don't worry you'll do fine." Great. Me in an interview? In front if a camera? Oh sure, that's not something he could have told me about. "But-" "We need to go." He quickly says, stepping in. Oh my god. Why can't he never listen when I say something?

"There's one person too much for two cars." I say. "You are right. You can always sit on my lap if you want." Austin says, wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "I'll pass." "She'll sit with me." Shawn says, grabbing my hand.

"I can just-" I start to say, as he sits in pulling me onto his lap, closing the car door afterwards. "That's no problem at all, baby." Shawn grins, wrapping his arm around my waist.

Fortunately we aren't far away from the hotel. I wouldn't survive a longer car-ride with two idiots. I know, I don't really know Austin but he's either just sweet or a player. I could feel Shawn's breath briefly against my neck, causing  goosebumps to erupt on my skin and the heat which is radiating off is body makes me so damn tired.

After I while I start leaning back against Shawn, yawing and too tired to sit straight. I didn't get any sleep in the plane anyways but also not much the night before. I rest my head against his shoulder, feeling him smirking.

I open one eye, glaring at him. "Shut up. I'm tired." "I didn't say anything." Shawn gasps, acting offended. "Your eyes did." I mumble. It feels so relaxing with his arms around me. He's so warm and comfortable.... what the hell?

If a had the strength now I would slap myself. Lack of sleep really damages my brain. A nap would surely work....
A loud bang and a stinging pain in my head, let's me wake up immediately.

"Shit." I hear someone murmur as I rub my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. I look up, noticing that I'm carried by Shawn. "Couldn't you have watched out as you walked through the door?" I grumble, rubbing my head.

"Whatever." He says, rolling his eyes while setting down my bag. "I could have also let Austin carry you." "Why didn't you then?" I grin, watching as his mouth opens but no words come out. "You know that he thinks we are together. Anyways be ready in 20 minutes." Shawn says, leaving the room.

Groaning, I stuff my head into my pillow. I don't want to but I can't look like a zombie when I'm being filmed. As I enter the bathroom I grab a black dress and a jeans jacket, quickly changing and applying some make up.

I grab my phone noticing that I have to go down. "There you are. Right on time." Andrew smiles, as we head towards the location where the interview is being held. "Why do I have to join again?" I ask. "The people want to know more about your relationship. Don't worry Rose." Andrew says.

"Only talk when they ask you something. I'll do the rest."
"Because you are so good at that huh?" I say, raising my eyebrow. "I wish your head hit the door harder." Shawn mumbles, grabbing my hand while we step out of the car. "Jerk." I mutter.

We walk into a building being immediately greeted by a woman who will probably lead the interview. "Thank you for coming here today! Let's sit down and start, alright?" "Sure." Shawn sighs, leaning back.

"So first of all we want to know how the tour has been until now? Any exciting things that happened?"
"Tour has been awesome and meeting all of my lovely fans is something that is always exciting." Shawn answers, smiling.

"That good to hear! So if it's okey we will asks some questions about your dramatic but also loving relationship." The interviewerin, whose name is Alexandra says, sending a friendly smile my way. I nod, tapping my foot lightly up and down to prevent me from getting nervous.

"How did you spend your first date? Tell us about it." Oh... well. I'll just let this up to Shawn. "Yeah babe, I'm sure you remember everything exactly." I smile, looking over to Shawn who chuckles nervously. "Of course." He laughs, placing his hand on my knee.

A little shiver runs down my back again, making me want to slap myself the second time today. What is wrong with me? I shake my head listening as Shawn telling her about our spectacular beach date and so on.

He's a pretty good liar. "That's so sweet. You two are lucky that you found each other." "That's true." Shawn smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Do we get to see a kiss too?" Alexandra questions, grinning.

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