Chapter 72

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Rose's POV:
Shivers run down my spine as I wrap the large white scarf around my neck, attempting to get warmer, even though I'm already wearing a coat.

That's what I hate about Canada. It's not winter yet but it's still really cold and windy. Letting out a puff trough my nose I stroll down the sidewalk of the small street until I come to a stop at the little coffee shop I used to go to.

I haven't been here in like over a year so I don't know if you can consider it my favorite but I'm surprised that he still knows. I push open the door, the bell jingling above it as a waitress sends me a friendly smile. I just ignore it.

I'm not really in the mood to smile today. The smell of coffee fills my nose, which I don't really like but I remember why I loved to be here. Almost no people sit here during the week, so it was the perfect place to study or read a book.

My eyes wander over the chairs and the red leathered booths until they land on the back of a blonde haired head. My stomach turns and I suddenly get the urge to leave this place as fast as possible but it's too late. Nathan's head moves around.

He sees me and weakly smiles as he waves me over. I hesitate and just stare at him for a few moments till I decide to just bring it over with. Do I want to let him leave again? After all the searching?

No, I don't want that. I bite the inner sides of my cheek as I slowly approach him while he stands up. Once only a few meters separate us I could see him reaching forwards to hug me but automatically I dodge it. I couldn't even control it.

His expression saddens as we take a seat opposite of each other. "Hey." Nathan says, smiling at me. "Hi." I mumble, nodding my head slightly. "I hope you still like chocolate milk. I ordered earlier so it could get cold because they only make hot chocolate." He explains, letting out a chuckle at the end of his sentence.

I just nod again, examining his features. He definitely changed but looks still like my long sixteen year old brother I thought I would never see again. "I really didn't think you could get any prettier but look at you. You finally decided to leave the bangs huh?" He laughs.

„You never told me how horrible it looked you jerk." I say, cracking a smile at the thought. "It looked adorable. Also since it made you look way younger the older boys stayed away from you much to my liking." Nathan says, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Guess, that changed now." He mutters the last sentence thinking I overheard it but I know that he meant Shawn. My chest immediately tightens at the thought of him but I try to swallow it with the chocolate milk.

"I see you also decided to leave your longer hair." I note amused that he liked his almost shoulder long hair back then.

Groaning he rolls his eyes, glaring at me playfully for bringing that up. "It was a phase. I thought we agreed not to talk about it."

"You told me to forget it but how can I forgot when I have those pictures of the vacation in Spain in my room." I giggle, watching as his nose crunches up and his eyes narrow. "You promised to get rid of them." Nathan mutters, rubbing his temples in embarrassment.

„Nope. Also how could I? Mom looks so beautiful in them. Not everything is always about you." I mock, crossing my arms jokingly. "Don't give me that attitude, young lady." Nathan chuckles, leaning closer to flick his fingers against my forehead which I absolutely hate but he still used to do that.

For the next hour, it felt like we are the ten year old Rose and her one year older brother who love to annoy and tease each other but still make up after every fight of the end of the day.

I finally felt secure and home again after such a long time. All the bad thoughts were locked deep in my mind as we talked and jokes about stories of our childhood but I knew the light mood would come to an end eventually.

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