Chapter 48

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Rose's POV:
"Austin was so sweet and the date was so wonderful. Like, everything was perfect! He planned everything out and just wow. I never knew guys could actually be so cute." Ava tells me dreamily and I actually want to punch her such stupid thoughts out of her head.

Austin is also just a boy. He is the perfect boyfriend at first but after some tim he'll get bored and go for some other girl. Yeah I know...

I sound like I have already been married and divorced five times but come on, maybe 10 % of all the couples in the world stay together. "Hey grumpy cat are you even listening?" She asks, throwing her pencil at me. "Yeah yeah." I reply, forcing a smile.

I shouldn't ruin her happiness as long as it lasts. She'll see for herself. "Since two days you are nothing but in a bad mood? What happened?" Ava questions, sitting down on the couch next to me.

Maybe I'm overreacting but I can't forget the talk with that man Shawn had and the message I got at the restaurant. The only thing the person texted me, after I asked who she or he was, is that I'm going to find out the truth soon, I should just be patient.

I'm still wondering what Ava has to do with that but I haven't asked her yet because I don't even know what they were talking about. "Rose?" "Hm?" "What's wrong?" "Nothing is wrong Ava. I'm just tired from the flight and everything." I shrug, fumbling with the end of my hoodie.

„So what is everything?" Ava asks. "School and stuff. Studying is not that easy you know." "Are you sure that it's about studying?" "Yeah I just told you it's that why?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

„Uh nothing... I just wanted to make sure. Anyways it's late I have to finish something. If you wait you can come with me to the hotel later." Just as I was about to answer the door swings open, revealing Andrew, Shawn and the rest of the crew, since the show here in Denmark just ended.

„Ava I need your help for a second." Andrew says, waving her over. "Alright. See ya then." She quickly says, standing up to go over to him. Frowning, I watch her leave the room. I saw exactly how she was pursing her lips. She always does that when she's lying.

"Hey Rose! Did you like the show? And the new song?" Geoff asks, smiling as he plops down next to me. "Yeah... it was cool." I reply, nodding. My eyes wander over the others as Geoff starts to tell some story from the show until they land on Shawn.

Our eyes meet and to my surprise he doesn't look away. His stare is almost blank, just like it was as he first saw me but he can fool someone else. I know that something is wrong.

It just wouldn't make sense that he starts to be like that again after we kind of 'agreed' to be somewhat nice to each other. I'm going to ask him why he was acting like that two days ago. I mean, as if it was sooo bad that I was in his room.

The problem is, I don't know who the man was talking about so I can't ask him about that or Ava. Maybe they were talking about Grace... who knows. "Hello? Am I already boring you?" Geoff chuckles, snapping his finger in front of me.

„Huh? Uh... no no. I was just-" "Distracted?" Geoff questions, wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes, before looking into the direction if Shawn again who isn't standing there anymore. He's probably in his dressing room. "I take that as a yes. Anyways I have to go. Do you wanna drive with me back to the hotel?" "Thanks but I'm waiting for Ava. She'll drive me." I say.

Geoff nods, waving as he disappears trough the door. Fortunately the others aren't here at the moment so no one asks why I'm walking into Shawn's dressing room. I make sure that there is really no one before I open the door.

"Shawn?" I ask, looking around but the only sound is the shower running. Guess, I have to wait. As I lean against the counter I accidentally   push his keys and phone down. "Shit." I mumble, kneeling down to pick it up, the phone fortunately not having a crack.

Seeing a small plastic bag peeking out from under the counter I pock it up, my eyebrows furrowing as I examine the little bag with white substance in it. Wait... is that? Are that drugs? What the hell?

He's not serious right now. I really thought he couldn't get anymore dumb but here is the proof that he can top anything. Oh my god. He probably doesn't even know what it can do to people.

My brother had once an encounter with a little drug dealer in our school but he lander in the hospital after that. Mom gave him house arrest for the next months and I didn't talk to him anymore. Some would say it's overreacting but com one drugs? Ugh.

I shove it back under the counter, placing his key back on top of it. Suddenly the door of the bathroom swings open, revealing Shawn this time fortunately fully clothed, drying his hair with a towel.

He was probably high and that's why he flipped out two days ago. I don't even wanna talk anymore!

What am I trying with this dumbass? "Rose? What are you doing here?" Shawn asks, furrowing his eyebrows as he sees me with his phone. Before I could say something his eyes widen. "Rose-"

"No Shawn! You are honestly unbelievable! I just- ugh no you are an idiot!" I say, rolling my eyes as I lay the phone on the counter, turning to go. "Rose, wait please." He calls after me as I head towards the exit. I feel him catching up with me but who cares it's him who is destroying his life.

„Please wait! I can explain." He says, stepping in front of me. "I don't want an explanation, just get out of my way." I mutter, attempting to push past but he grabs my arms. "Rose please, listen." Shawn begs. "Why would I? Let me go." I reply, ripping my arms out of his grip.   

Thank god there's Ava. "Ava are you finished?" I ask, waving her over. "Yes in a minute!" She responds. "Rose please can we talk? Just for a moment?" Shawn asks, running a hand through his slightly wet hair. "Oh you want to talk or you want to yell at me?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He sighs, gazing the floor before his eyes meet mine again. "Look I'm sorry but I just wasn't in a good mood." "Ah."

„Rose I would have told you okey? But I just couldn't. I knew that you wouldn't understand why it was saver that way." Shawn says, trying to prevent me from walking. "What? Why would you have told me?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

„Because... wait. What? I thought that's what you wanted-" Shawn mumbles, his mouth forming an 'O' shape as he seems to understand something. Why would he tell me he takes or deals drugs? "What did you see?"

"Are you serious? The drugs, Shawn. What did you think?" I whisper yell. "Oh." Is all he brings out as he stares at me. "Rose let's go." Ava says, coming towards us. "Yeah." I reply, glaring at Shawn before I turn around to walk away with Ava.

Shawn's POV:
I think I never was so relieved to hear that someone found drugs that belong to me. Oh thank god. I thought she saw a message from her brother or something.

Maybe I should delete his number. I walk back into the dressing room picking up the little bag along with my phone. I almost told her. I almost f*cking told her! I rather have her being mad at me for that than have her hate me for knowing where her brother is.

Sighing, I let myself fall back into the couch, my head leaning back. Why is she mad though? It's not like it's her business. So she cares about me. I start to grin, the thought of that seeming better than I want to admit. How cute, she's worried.

Honestly, I can't stop thinking about what Geoff said. Is she really making me smile again?

My close my eyes imagining her cute face when she laughs, which is way too seldom may I add. I think, I don't want to be the one who makes her sad anymore.

Maybe... a tiny part of me... just wants to bring that real smile out, to make her happy. Who cares what her brother says. I'm not going to stay away from her.

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