Chapter 46

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Rose's POV :
"Actually it makes it even worse! How many high school movies or series have you watched huh? Let me guess, way too many! Pressing your mouth to mine while I'm already struggling to breath, does not help!" I snap and before I know it I'm lifted over his shoulder and shortly after set down on the concrete.

I take a deep breath, a relieved feeling overcoming me as I notice that we are on the ground again. Thank god. He just was about to kiss me. Okey... I'm glad I didn't let him... I think. "At least yelling at me helps you to relax." Shawn says, chuckling lightly.

„You should sit down." He adds, leading me to the nearest bench. "Better?" I nod, noticing the red print I left on his face. Upps. I clear my throat, feeling kinda bad that I was like that.

He just wanted to help but he has to learn not to come too near to me when I have panic attacks. "Uhm... sorry about that." I say. "You are not." Shawn chuckles, making me smile slightly. "No I'm not."

„And you don't even have to be. I just didn't know what to do and I was afraid that you would faint again. So actually I helped you." He says, smiling proudly. "I'm so close to slapping you again, so please shut up." I warn. „What if I like it?" Shawn questions, wiggling his eyebrows and I can't help but laugh.

„Oh my god, you are so dumb." I giggle, averting my eyes to my shoes. "Laughing suits you, you know." He says, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "Oh and a kiss actually does help against a panic attack. If you don't believe me, we can try next time." Shawn adds, winking.

„Mhm." I mumble, shaking my head, a small smile on my lips. He's such an idiot. Silence overcomes us as we just watch the people and kids running from ride to ride, their mouths full of cotton candy. "Rose?"

„Yeah?" "Rose!" "What?" "Come on wake up!" Wait what? I open my eyes, seeing Ava shaking me. Once I realized that I'm in a plane, I stand up quickly to follow the others outside. "Not so fast. What were you dreaming about? I could definitely see you smiling sometimes." Ava chirps, linking her arm with mine. You mean who was I dreaming about.

I've had this dream about the night of Shawn's family dinner the second time now. After the incident on the fairy wheel we stayed there a bit longer, actually talking about anything and everything before we almost missed our flight.

In the end we arrived at the hotel and Shawn went to his room. So no. Nothing else happened and that's how it should be. Not that I consider doing anything else than talking with him.

„Helloooo? Earth to Rose. Already missing Shawn since you haven't seen him four days." She teases, making me roll my eyes. "Nope. I'm all good." I reply and she groans. "Why can't you finally fall in love." She mumbles but I could hear her. The weird thing is that I got a tingly feeling in my stomach.

Love is something stupid. Grace and I are the best examples for it. The person you think would never hurt you turns out to be an asshole and then they leave you. I mean, I don't even know if it bothers her that Shawn cheated on her but who cares.

We arrive at the hotel and are on the way our rooms as Austin walks past us. "Hey girls." He greets and gives us a hug. I start to grin as Austin hugs Ava clearly longer than me. She blushes, looking like a tomato as I make kissing faces while they are still hugging.

After he pulled back and talked to us for a fee moments we continue to walk. "How are you ad Austin?" I ask, looking back to see him him looking too. As our eyes meet he quickly turns around, making me chuckle.

„What do you mean?" "Don't even start with that Ava he obviously likes you too." I say, following her into her room. "I'm not telling you anything until you tell me about Shawn." She smirks devilishly. "I would but there is nothing to talk about." I state, crossing my arms as she watches me skeptically from the bed.

„I don't believe you. What about the dinner?" I tell her that we almost got caught and that I have a sister named Grace now. Not the best lie but I'm surprised it worked.

I leave the part with the cuts and the fairy wheel knowing she would only make a big deal about it. "So now is your turn." I say, plopping down next to her. "Well..." she mumbles, already blushing again. "He kissed you!" "No..." she chuckles. "We uhmm... maybe have a date." "Oh my god! That's awesome." I cheer, giving her a quick hug.

„When?" "In the next few days he said. He wants to do something first." Ava shrugs, biting her lower lip. "Uhhh how mysterious." I say, making her chuckle. "So what about-" Ava starts but is cut off by a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I ask. "It's me Shawn. Can I come in?" He questions, Ava already grinning from ear to ear. "Shut up." "I didn't say anything." She huff. "Your eyes did." I respond, standing up to walk towards the door.

„Hey." Shawn says. "Uh Hey." I reply, furrowing my eyebrows. He seems to serious... "I'll leave you two love birds alone now. Bye!" Ava calls out as she disappears through the door. "So what is it?"

"I'm here because we are going to meet some important people at a restaurant later and I need you to come with me." "Okey." I shrug, not really fond of another dinner but oh well.

"Be in the lobby in about an hour and wear something nice. Don't be late like last time." Shawn responds nodding before he walks away. Okey... what was that? If I didn't have to be ready in an hour I would already flip out again. What's wrong now?

Four days ago he was actually kinda okey. God, everytime I think that he proves me wrong. Why am I still trying to understand him? And why why can't I accept the fact that he is an asshole anymore?

He is really two faced but the his friendly side seems to be just acting. But can that be after everything he told me? You know what. I'm sick of it. I'm gonna ask him what's wrong now. Annoyed I walk over to to his room which is a bit further down the corridor.

Without even thinking about knocking I open the door hearing two deep voices from the room.

I quickly hide between the door and the wall, holding my breath. The one voice is Shawn's but I can't recognize the other one. Should I leave as long as I can or listen? Oh who am I even asking, I can't help but eavesdrop.

„I'm telling you to stay away from her. Do you really want to make her part of this mess?" I hear the voice I can't recognize say. "What are you talking about? I'm not-" "Oh come on. Leave her alone, she's already in enough pain." The man says lowly.

„I don't want anything from her." "Are you trying to convince me or yourself Shawn?" "Shut up. I have a girlfriend." "Yeah what a lovely relationship you have." The mean chuckles. "That's not your business." "As long as it means you are putting her in danger it is my business.

I don't care how often you deny it but Ava sees it. So stay away from her. Got it?" What has Ava to do with that? "You can't tell me what to do."

Shawn scoffs and I could hear footsteps making me hold my breath even tighter. "I swear if anything happens to her because of you, you are dead before you know." "You shouldn't be here." Shawn says, anger lacing through his voice. "I warned you Mendes." I hear the man say before the footsteps get louder and louder.

Oh shit. Luckily, the man doesn't close the door. I quietly breath out in relief. What the hell was that? It reminds me of how I saw Shawn with someone in that ally from my hotel window.

Maybe it was him but what about Ava? I shrug as I hear the bathroom door shut. That's my chance. I was about to sneak out behind the door as it gets closed.

I look up, seeing Shawn stand In front of me. He looks everything other than happy. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks.

I gulp, trying to find an excuse but what would be an excuse for being in his room? „Does that look like your room huh?" "N-no-" I stutter. I've never seen him so angry and it honestly scares me.

"Then get out of here!" Shawn snaps, grabbing my upper arm to push me out. "Sorry." I mumble as he slams he door shut in front of my nose.

Until My Last BreathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora