Chapter 17

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Rose's POV:
„She was the one who forbid the kiss scene in the music video." Geoff chuckles, as we wait for the others on the airport  of Berlin to get their luggage. This is the eight day of the tour and now we are in Germany.

I was always excited to see Europe so I can't wait to visit all the other places. These last days were actually fine.

Well, maybe because I almost never saw Shawn because there was only once an off day which he spent with his girlfriend. Much to my request to be honest. Since the day in the hotel he's been so serious and even more of an jerk than he already is.

You know everytime I think he's starting to be okey, he proves me otherwise. Not that I care... I shake my head comprehending what Geoff just said. „I never thought I would have to say thank you to her." I say, shutting my phone off.

Geoff laughs a litte, before looking over at me. „You know I actually shouldn't say anything at all but don't take it too personal when he is like that."

"You know I don't care, as soon as I found my brother I'm back in Toronto. Still don't get why you are friends with him though." I reply, watching as Shawn Andrew and Mike make their way towards us.

"Well, that's just a long story...I didn't want you to be more upset." Geoff says, making me frown. „More upset?" I ask, more harsh than I intended to. „Uh... well you-." „Save it, Geoff." I cut him off. I can't believe they are starting with that too now.

Just mind your own business. Ever thought about that? I take my jacket off, not noticing that my bandage went with it. "What's that?" Geoff question frowning as he tried to take my hand.

"I told you I burned myself." I say, forcing a smile to reassure him but his face falls even more. „That doesn't look burned." he say, stepping closer to me. He grabs my arm, turning it a bit to look at it, making me whimper quietly.

"Don't touch me." I hiss, pushing my hands against his chest to create some distance. „Rose-." „What the hell is happening here?" Andrew asks, approaching us confused. His eyes flicker between us as I say nothing, keeping my head down.

"That was just..." Geoff mumbles, glancing at my arm once again.
„That was what? Because it looked like she didn't want you to touch her." Andrew says, pinching his eyes.

"No it wasn't like that. My jacket got stuck in my hair and as Geoff helped me he accidentally pulled too hard on it." I say, showing Andrew a light smile. „And I thought it was actually something serious for once." I hear Shawn mumble, his eyes glued to his phone once again.

"Yeah, because it must be so boring to be on tour having everyone falling to their knees in front of you." I snap, not being able to hold back. He is just so nerve wrecking.

As soon as he opens his damn mouth I want to slap him. An amused expression takes place on his face as he shoves his phone in his pocket. „I just realize how nice it was not to see you for almost a week." I was about to answer as Andrew ends his phone call sighing.

„Guys pull yourself together. There are many fans at the gate, we'll just stop for a few minutes if you want to meet them Shawn because the interview starts soon." He explains. "Sure." Shawn says, putting his hoodie on.

A shaky breath leaves my lips as I think about about all the people. How many are many? I hope they mean just fifteen or something. „Okey let's go." Andrew says, starting to walk. „Rose-."

"Can you just leave it now." I say turning away from Geoff, quickly putting the jacket I had wrapped over my arm on, before heading towards Shawn. "How many are gonna be there?" I ask, trying to ignore the people who are already taking pictures of us.

"How should I know?" Shawn asks, intertwining our hand sighing. A shaky breath leaves my lips as I would gladly just sink into the ground. I already freak out when one fan asks me questions what if there are 20 of them?

I just hope they won't ask anything." Just stay besides me." Shawn says, nudging my arm with his elbow. We round the corner and my eyes widen as I see how many fans are standing there.

Definitely more than 20... "Hey guys!" Shawn smiles approaching them as they greet him.
"How are you all?" He asks, starting to quick take pictures with some of them. He never let's go of my hand, causing us to stand in the middle of a large circle of people.

I look around, some of them smiling at me, others just keeping there gaze on Shawn and again some who could kill me with their look. Who cares? I can't believe how many of these girls are jealous of me in this moment. If they only knew how he really is.

Well, not my problem. I silently follow him, watching as he takes a picture with everyone, handing me their phone so I make the picture. It actually so sweet how the little girls and boys look up to him, like he's some kind of god.

I chuckle, as he gets tackled in a hug by a small girl maybe around  five years old. "I'm sorry but I think my girlfriend wouldn't  be fond of it if I marry you. I would because you are really pretty but pssshh." He grins, whispering in her ear.

"You can gladly take him." I say, winking at the little girl who's smile grows even more bright. "If that's how my girlfriend cares about me I'm gonna marry you today." Shawn gasps, picking her up.

Chuckles are audible from around us and the woman, who I guess is the little girl's mom, smiles amused at them. "Can I have a blue princess dress?" She asks, holding onto his shoulder.

"Everything you want. Excuse me, I'm gonna steal your daughter." Shawn winks, starting to walk off with her. "Can I have your girlfriend now?" I hear an all too familiar voice say.

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