Chapter 14

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Rose's POV:
„It's beautiful here." I say, walking besides Geoff as we head towards our next destination at the coast of England. „Just like the girl besides me." He says, winking at me. „Haha." I reply, rolling my eyes.

„Why do you never believe me when I say something good about you." He asks, followed by a chuckle. „How old are you again?" I ask, pulling the quiet short jacket closer to my body. „Hey I'm not that old." Geoff says, pinching his eyes at me.

„Good or else it would have been pretty creepy." I say. It's honestly weird that he is so nice to me. Maybe he's just nice in general. Actually no one of the boys has been unfriendly to me and I guess that's good. Even though I don't really care but it's better than hating everyone here.

We approach a rather high cliff, causing my stomach to turn. I hate high places. Especially when it's a cliff where I could fall off. How ironic, I know but it was before I had the chance to find my brother. „Hold still." Ava says, grabbing my chin.

„Sorry my personal make up assistant." I smirk. „Hey! It wasn't easy to persuade them that I can do it." she pouts, adding some finishing touches. „What's wrong with your lover?" Ava questions, looking over to Shawn.

„He's probably still mad that I got angry at one of his precious fans." I say, shrugging my shoulders. Since yesterday he hasn't talked a word to me. Not that I mind though. He just shouldn't act like a five year old who got taken away his favourite sweet.

„Aww." She chuckles, fixing my hair, which is totally useless due the wind, if you ask me. „Stop making such a face or it stay like that. You know you have to be a happy couple in a few minutes." Ava says, nudging my side. I sigh, replying nothing. I know that, no need to hear it from everyone every single day.

„Oh my god. Couldn't we have come here on a sunny day?" I hear Grace's squeak, as she „accidentally" almost trips. „It's not so bad." Shawn says, as she holds onto him. „Oh my god. Rose it's so wet here." Geoff suddenly squeals, clinging onto me, making everyone laugh expect Grace and Shawn.

She looks up to him, waiting for him to say something but he just shrugs.
„Just leave it babe." he states, keeping his gaze on Geoff with a small smirk on his lips. „How funny." Grace snaps, crossing her arms. „I get easily ill and the damp air is bad for my hair.

When are we going Shawn?" she asks, crossing her arms. „We just got here. You can sit in the car, till we are finished outside." Shawn says, starting to walk towards me and the direction. „Wait baby." Grace says, pulling his face towards hers for a kiss.

God, how does he keep up with her. I would have already suffocated her in her sleep with a pillow. Sorry. No I'm actually not. „Where's my kiss?" Geoff asks, smiling down at me. „You are honestly annoying." I answer shaking my head, unable to hide a small smile.

„Don't take it personal. She hates it when people try to talk to her." Shawn says, walking past Geoff. „Ohh what did you do?" Geoff laughs, turning to me. „Nothing that's anyone's business here." I say, following the director towards the cliff.

„That's really high." I whisper, gulping nervously. „You shouldn't have any problems with that." I hear Shawn say, looking at his phone.

„Save your remarks jerk." I say, rolling my eyes. I think it's getting a hobby of me to do that but I can't help it with someone like him near me. How is it possible that one single person can turn a normal day into one I want to get over with as soon as possible?

„Don't be so sensitive." He sighs, making my blood boil.
I get that I can overreact sometimes but he's the only person who triggers it. Can't he just shut his damn mouth? „You-." I start go say but get cut off. „Rose and Shawn. Come here please." The director shouts, waving us over.

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