5. Monday

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Summer past in the blink of an eye. We spent the sunny days going to the beach enjoying the end of a chapter and getting ready for a new one called; college. It was exciting to make a new start, high school had us shackled, everyone knew everyone's business and privacy was relative when you had three brothers like mine.

After a good nights sleep the first day of college finally arrived, snuggling deeper into the blankets I turned off the alarm and granted myself a couple more minutes. When the sun broke through the curtains and awoke me for the second time that day my eyes bursted open.


Slapping the blankets away my body received a wake up call from the temperature change. Dumping the warm blankets on the floor while heading over to my bathroom I found it locked. My brows furrowed juggling the door handle with my right hand while knocking with my left.


A voice sang from behind the door, revealing Jye was occupying our shared bathroom which was connected to both our bedrooms.

Rolling my eyes I walked out of my room and headed over to Jye's, entering still half asleep. Joining Jye in the bathroom through his room he just finished brushing his teeth.

"Stop locking the door when you're not naked" I flatly told him grabbing my toothbrush and joined him by the sink claiming my side.

"Why lock the door when I'm naked" he responded with a smirk while I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"That nakedness would keep you out the bathroom, guaranteed." he ended while heading back to his room while I glared at him through the bathroom mirror.

After I finished brushing my teeth I unlocked the door heading to my bedroom and spared a look at my phone that was forgotten in the charger on my bedside table. I sucked in a breath when I remembered I was already running late.

Quickly dressing in a simple high wasted jeans with loose legs and a loose colourful blouse, I pulled my hair in a quick pony tail patting myself on the back for being a night-shower kind of person.

Skipping downstairs I quickly popped some bread in the toaster and put my shoes on while waiting for my very light breakfast. When I heard the toaster popping I went to get my toast just in time to see Jye steal it from the toaster and heading to the garage.

"Hey!" I started before the door slammed and I saw him rushing of to his car while waving at me with one of the two pieces of toast in his mouth and the other in his waving hand.

Letting out an annoyed huff I put two new pieces of bread in the toaster. And waited again while noticing a car pulling up and honking to grab my attention, I reached for my phone and texted Vi to give me 2 minutes and I'ld be out.

Right when my toast was ready my dead walked into the kitchen, smelled the air and eyed my toast. When he started walking over I rushed ahead of him took the toasted, burned my fingers, and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Biting on both pieces of toast holding them in my mouth I grabbed my bag and jacket slinging them on. Biting through the toast, holding it in my hands once again I chewed out a hurried 'Good morning, love you, byeee' and slammed the door.

I scurried to the car and slid into the backseat the front already occupied by Vi and her brother who was driving. Swallowing the piece of toast in my mouth I greeted them.

Ronald or 'Ronny' as Vi's brother prefers to be called also starts UCLA this year, lord knows how he graduated last year. The only book he might know by heart are our high schools regulations, so he could find and slip through the loopholes. He probably does economics or something, who knows.

Pursuing JOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora