11. A Favour

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"I'm home!"

Foot steps were heard through the hallway while J sat frozen in her spot. Jamey turned around without a care trying to see who entered the house.

A male voice was not a great sign, it meant it couldn't be her mom who was probably the only person in her family who'd let her off easy.

Trying to ease her mind J convinced herself to not worry as her oldest brothers should be either at school or in their dorms. Jye wouldn't be easy either but her twin would always take her side in the end, she had a chance of persuading him at least.

But when her dad walked into the living room her mind went blank, she had no idea of how he would react. Yes, her dad was as protective as her brothers but he often didn't have to show it, her brothers would beat him to it.

This is the first encounter she had ever had with just her dad and another guy, a guy she quickly began to get interested in. Her dad would know immediately, J's face was often easier to read than a book.

Her dad's eyes immediately fell on the unfamiliar guy on his couch, who stood up when he looked at him.

Jamey stood up and headed over to her dad, J also stood just because it felt like the right thing to do. She followed Jamey who was headed towards her father.

"Hello Mr. Aroha. Nice to meet you, my name is Jamey Susanti. " he said extending his hand towards J's dad. J was blown away as to how he even knew her surname.

Her dad glanced at his daughter, trying to read her face, before shaking the hand of the young guy who just politely introduced himself.

"Hemi Aroha, nice to meet you" he gave a polite smile. He noticed his daughter avoiding any form of eye contact with him. He was amused at the situation, oh how he loved to see any of his children sweat. The fun of being a parent.

Before things could turn awkward J's dad continued the conversation.

"So sweetie, is he to be introduced to the brothers?" he questioned, for him however the answer would have a double meaning. He would find out if the boy was here to stick around or run for the hills.

J looked her dad in the eyes, her dad laughing inside his head. His little girl looked close to constipated with the furrow of her brows and the biting on her lip.

"Well, that's actually the reason I came over Mr. Aroha." Jamey interrupted straightening his stance.

J's dad was surprised by this revelation, he must be cut from some decent wood if he is here to throw himself at not one but three lions.

"Please dad, you know what they're like" J turned his attention back to her, begging him with her eyes to give her a break.

"I know sweetie but a bet is a bet" her dad looked at her with a stern face, Aroha's were no push overs if they gave their word they are to keep to their word.

Jamey looked at the exchange between father and daughter, quite surprised by the fact her dad knew of the bet J made with her brothers.

J heaved a sigh, she knew she had only one option left. Desperate times call for desperate measures after all.

"I'll give you a favour..." she mumbled not looking at her dad who after hearing the words decorated his face with a beautifully broad smirk.

"Sorry, what was that?" he put a hand next to his ear, as if he didn't hear her the first time.

"I'll give you a favour" she rolled her eyes looking at her dad who thoroughly enjoyed her misery at the moment.

A favour in the Aroha family was a big thing. Someone who owed a favour, could be asked to do anything. Anything at all. By the person who the favour was owned to.

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