6. Lunch

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When I walked into the lecture hall I walked up the steps and took a window seat. Peering outside I saw Mr Hot Guy's retreating back, he was headed where we came from.

Did he just take a de-tour to show me the way?

While I kept my eyes on his back I realised he got me intrigued. Yes, he was a very. very. good looking man. But besides that, there was just something about him. Call me a hippie but maybe it was his aura, you know his vibe. His presence was nerve recking but not in a bad way, he was a welcome addition to my very limited social interactions.

With my head leaning on my hand and my face turned to the window I kept staring at his retreating back getting lost in my thoughts. Suddenly his body turned while he kept taking slow backward steps. Turning to look in my general direction, scanning the windows I was sitting behind.

He came to a halt when he grabbed his phone from his pocket and started typing away. Glancing back in my general direction once more, he turned to leave still looking at his phone.

When I was about to turn my attention to the class that was already well on its way, I felt my phone vibrate on the corner of my desk where it laid facing downwards. Grabbing it and turning it over I looked at the screen, what I saw made my eyebrows furrow. It was a text from 'Boo'.

Who the hell?


Hope your lecture is fun.

My brows furrowed more if that was even possible, my eyes scanned around the room of student who were actually paying attention to class. I glanced back at my phone when I noticed no one was on there phone or paying me any attention. Or so I thought.

"Miss in the back with the braids" The lecturer boomed out staring straight at me. I felt my hair with my right hand, remembering the braids Vi braided into my hair in the car. I looked back at the lecturer with wide eyes, like a deer caught in headlights.

When was satisfied he grabbed my attention, he wasn't ready to leave it at that. "Would you please repeat what topic you were just introduced to?" he calmly asked me, but the evil glint in his eyes was detectable.

I started panicking in my head, we were maybe fifteen minutes into the lecture and I was already a lost cause. This will be a rough four years.

I was about to apologise and tell him I had no clue what he was trying to teach me, in different words of course, when suddenly a paper slipped over to my table. Quickly glancing to my right I saw a guy's hand reaching past the empty seat in between. I read the paper and realised he gave me the answer, a breath of relief past my lips. I looked back up to the lecturer who was basking in my misfortune, which was entirely caused by myself.

"Evolutionism sir." I answered keeping my voice steady. The lecturer giving me a slight nod before turning back to the presentation behind him, continuing his lesson.

Grabbing a pen I wrote a 'thanks!' on the note and slid it back to the guy a seat over, he read it and gave a small wink in return while I gave him a small smile of appreciation.

Not having learned from my past mistakes I glanced back at my phone, the wheels in my head turning. I put the phone over my notebook this time holding my pen pretending to take notes.

Opening the text once more, not being able to figure out who it was, I decided to type a reply.


Uhm, sorry. Who's this?

I typed, even though they were few words I re-read them over and over again. These are the things you get warned for as a girl; don't talk to strangers on the streets, don't talk to strangers on the internet, don't talk to strangers period.

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