2. Siblings

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Same Day 9 AM

"Lachlaaan YOU SMEAGLE" I shouted holding my hand under the ice cold water of the shower. "GET YOUR DIRTY LITTLE PAWS OFF THE BOILER AND GET ME MY WARM WATER YOU COCONUT" to say I'm pissed off is putting it nicely.

It's sad but I'm already used to this, pranks were a regular occurrence in this household and sadly they weren't my specialty. But I learned overtime, if your offence isn't great secure your defence and don't show your weak spots.

My brother takes joy in pissing me off... regularly.

"AHAHA if you didn't stink so bad this wouldn't be a problem sissy!" Did I say brother? I meant 'brothers' "DAMMIT LENNY!"

My older twin brothers piss me right off.

I wrap a towel around myself and walk to the attic to turn the boiler back on. On my way back I stumble into my dearest twin brother. "Queenie Keenieeee" he says and hugs me tight. "gossh Jye, do I look like I wanna hug right now?" I ask irritated. He smiles mischievous when he pulls back and sees the towel "Well, you certainly don't smell like it" he says. I roll my eyes and walk away bumping his shoulder hoping to finally shower in peace, and warmth.

My family consist of a happily married mom and dad who brought into this beautiful world 1 set of devil twins and 1 set of angel twins. 2 sets of twins, what a curse.

Must be the genes.

Me being the only girl and being the youngest makes them gang up on me some times. Luckily Jye often takes my side, being my loving twin and all.

Family has always been important in our household, no man left behind. Even though Lenny and Lachy live on campus they often come home, especially during holidays.

And when they're broke and come to raid the fridge or join us for dinner when my mom chooses to use her culinary skills.

Jye and me will start uni this year, he will attend USC just like our brothers. While I decided to attend UCLA together with Vi, we've been waiting to hear from the admission's office. Trying to keep ourselves busy during the holidays to keep from focussing on our dream of attending college together.

Fun fact, Violette is also a twin, twins attract each other apparently, or maybe it's because our moms were in a pregnancy group together, bonding instantly over the fact they'd both be having twins. Although she is more of a triplet with me and Jye, growing up together. I think we weren't cool enough for her brother and his popular bunch when we entered high school. Her brother, Ronnie, is a slight dick and it gets seriously tiring to put up with him so Vi is often at our place.

Jye often joins our adventures but he tends to leave us on our own when we get to all the girly shit, he might be gay but he is far from feminine. The poor guy gets hit on by girls all the time.

First world problems much.

My three brothers are as Vi likes to put it 'preetty fiine' I mean I'm not rating my own brothers but she said each one of them is a 'solid 9,5'. Quote Vi 2018: "God must have punished us when he made Jye gay". So yeah they are OK I guess.

When I finished my nice and warm shower I got dressed in some jeans and a jumper, nice and comfy just how I liked it. I went downstairs to join my family for our yearly new years lunch.

Seeing as we all, by some miracle, had friends and we started going to new years parties lunch was our alternative to be together for new years, without having to rush off.

Everyone was already seated when I sat down on my usual chair. I always sat next to Jye with Lenny across from me and Lachy across from Jye. Mum and dad just sat on one of the 4 places that were left. In this case Dad was on the head next to me and mum was seated next to Lachy.

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