12. Let The Games Begin

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"I'm baaackkkk"

We all turned to look behind us and saw two girls heading towards our table. One of the two blonde girls, who walked like she owned the place, looked at us with a frown and a clear sign of disdain on her face when she was about to reach our table.

"Who are you" she sneered making me wonder if she actually wanted an answer to that question.

The frown instantly disappeared from the sneering girl's face when she laid eyes on the boys. She started fumbling with her hair instead and put on a face which was probably very 'sexy' in her head. Whereas the outside world just had to endure the sight, I personally thought it looked rather frightening, like 'The Joker' frightening.

"So sorry, how rude of me, my name is Isabella. But you can call me Belle" the Joker blonde smiled sweetly and for some strange reason licked her bottom lip. The girl with her just stayed in the background, looking busy on her phone.

"As in the fairy tale?" Jamey asked raising his eyebrows. Their was a chorus of hidden chuckles, I even noticed the girl on her phone put her hand in front of her mouth.

"That's right handsome, it also means 'beautiful' in French" Joker blonde said batting her eye lashes at Jamey, sticking her hand out as if expecting someone to kiss it, her expensive looking bag dangling on her arm.

Someone's confident.

"And who might you be" She continued, winkeding at Jamey. Looking over at Vi, I rolled my eyes nodding towards the annoying blonde, Vi snorted silently agreeing by giving a small nod.

My gut told me this girl was going to be a major unnecessary pain in our but in the nearby future. It was like high school all over again. Only this time I knew better than to respond to her presence in any way.

"Not interested" Jamey replied his face blank of emotion, he turned away from the girl to continue eating what was left of his lunch.

I felt my hands unclench under the lunch table, looking down I saw the faintest nail prints in my palm. Unaware of even clenching my hands in the first place I frowned a little at the sight. It was like my body was feeling things my head couldn't keep up with or didn't yet understand.

Glancing at Jamey the town disappearing from my face. I at least clearly understood one thing, I was happy Jamey showed the least interest in the girl. Even though we hadn't talked much, the biggest reason for that was the fear of friend zoning him. I didn't want this feeling to go away.

The other guys didn't look interested either, except for Ronny that is.

While Isabella laughed off Jamey's comment awkwardly like she wasn't just hit in the face with rejection, Ronny stepped in to seize the moment. He stepped forward and Isabella turned her head away to send a clear message.

"Well my name is Ronny and who might this be?" he aimed at the girl who was standing behind to Isabella.

Isabella's mouth slightly opened looking shocked Ronny paid her no mind but instead approached her friend.

Even though they arrived together the girl didn't really look like she enjoyed Isabella's company and Isabella clearly didn't enjoy the other girl getting more attention than her.

They had completely different vibes, where Isabella looked like an eighteen and older barbie doll the other girl liked to wear a fair share of black and combat boots. She rocked the bad girl look.

She looked up from her phone when Ronny spoke to her, her blonde pony tail swaying while her naturally pretty face came into view. She raised a curious brow, her lip slightly twitched unamused by his approach.

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