"It's not that weird, Lindsey and Gerard have been planning this trip since freshman year, right down to the motel they'd stay at," Tyler said with a small chuckle. "And then they sort of stopped talking but both still went on the trip, just with different groups of people."

"Oh, so you're staying at the same motel as us?" Frank said.

"Lindsey is so much more chill now, don't worry about her being around," he said. "I heard about everything that happened. It's crazy, she mentioned the tear gas and the sex tapes but nothing about any of the other letters. You should know that she was on her meds at the time but the dosage was off. She is doing a lot better now, I can promise you that. She won't bother you guys while we're all down here."

"Well, at least that's good," Frank said. "Today's our anniversary and I really don't want to be bothered by her today."

"She's doing a lot better, she's even on tinder now," he said. "Which I know may not seem like a big deal or anything but it's a sign that she's moving on from Gerard, she was pretty obsessed with him for a while."

Frank nodded, taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, I should go then, let you have some fun," he said. "I just thought that I would say hi."

Frank smiled, walking off to the water.

"Hey, Gerard," he called.

Gerard smiled and came over.

"Did you know that Lindsey was here?" Frank asked.

"No, I haven't really been talking to her," he said. "But I guess that I'm not really surprised, we were both pretty excited for this trip that we had both been planning."

"She's staying at the same motel and everything," he said. "Don't you think that's a little bit weird?"

"No," he said with a small chuckle, taking a sip of his boyfriend's drink. "Look, it's okay. Come on, why don't we go find somewhere a little bit more private to talk?"

Gerard took Frank's hand and pulled him over behind some trees. They sat down on the sand at the coast, holding each other close.

"Listen, it is going to be okay," he said. "We hardly talk anymore, she won't bother us at all."

They watched the sunset together and Gerard smiled.

"Happy anniversary, Baby, I love you," he said.

"I love you too," Frank replied.

Gerard leaned over, kissing Frank softly. Frank pushed him back, deepening the kiss.

"You wanna do it on the beach?" Gerard asked with a giggle.

"What if someone sees us?" Frank asked.

"We're completely blocked off, no one's going to see," he said.

"Are we just drunk?" He asked.

"Maybe," Gerard said.

Frank downed the rest of his beer before kissing Gerard again. They ground together slowly, low moans leaving their lips. Frank was just thankful that he wasn't so nervous anymore when it came to sex now that they've done it more. He was also thankful that he was able to last a lot longer.

"Ew, were you two about to have beach sex?" Pete asked.

Frank pulled away, groaning as he looked at his friend. Jamia stood beside him, blushing as she looked away.

"Uh, we were before you interrupted us," he said.

"You two are clearly drunk and not thinking this through," he said. "Beach sex is the worst, you don't even have a towel laid down. Gerard, you are going to have sand all up your wazoo."

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