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He was sleeping with his head on my shoulder, hands circling my right hand. He was sitting towards the window seat.
I couldn't help but just admire his adorable face. He's indeed cute! But handsome too...
He was a well built man. He spends almost hundred minutes in the gym. His shirts and t-shirts would cling to his body tightly, revealing his abs well. No wonder why he always wore jackets and blazers.
Women would throw themselves on him. His black hairs did compliment well with his almost white skin, and then those red lips.
After his smile, the thing that attracts me the most is his lips. I would like to check one day, that he isn't using any lipstick.
All of a sudden, I felt an urge to touch his lips. They looked beautiful as they curved into a half smile, like he was seeing a sweet dream.
In no time, my thumb was near his lips. But clearly I was hesitant in touching them. My heart was beating at a profusely high speed. I leaned forward and touched his lips for a nanosecond.
Wow! My heart started beating even more wildly.
I smack myself for acting like a pervert! I was drooling over my husband's lips. Yeah! I have every right to do so. But then, I won't have a face to protest when he does the same.

His phone in my pocket was beeping every now and then.
Notification never ending.
"Stock market faces a downfall."
"Your shares saw an increment."
"Nigeria owns two new coal mines."
So business-like! His work surrounds him everywhere.
I then opened his messenger.
Messages from God knows what people!
Some of them, I recognized from when I worked for him. His clients, investors, dealers, officials and many others. Then, my name popped up.

I smiled seeing I was the one frequently contacted. But then we never talked. Every text was from him.
"Bela what happened so suddenly!?"
"Where are you!?"
"Is Granddad alright!????"
"I am sorry..if I wronged you anywhere! Why don't you come back...!?"
"Atleast think about Bruce, Richard and Marsha!"
"We can at least talk on text!?"
I was suddenly feeling guilty for bothering him so much. I hate myself when I hurt people, especially when they are my loved ones.

My eyes then drift to Olivia.
He was still in contact with her and acting like a saint before me. All my guilt was thrown out of the window and I glared at him.
Opening the messages, I find every message was from her only.
"Hey MS! why are you ignoring me!?"
"I love you!<hearts>"
"Can we meet love!?"
"Let's go to the gala together!?"
"You seem busy... should I come to freshen up your mind."
"Tonight!? At my place!?"
I wanted to crush this blonde headed woman! How dare she lust over my husband!!
"Let's do something fishy! We could meet at your place. I heard your wife no more stays at the mansion.", I clenched my jaw at this text.
"We haven't had sex since you married! I am freaking out now! You don't have to act like a loyal puppy!!!", I was freaking out now!

Just then, I heard some throat clearing sound.
I instantly turned and found him wide awake, oscillating his eyes between me and his phone.
"What!?", I snapped at him frantically closing his phone and keeping it back in my pocket.
"I smell the presence of some green eyed monster.", He said and bent down the seat as if trying to find that monster.
I shook my head at him and he was up again, raising his eyebrows at me, "Don't Tell me you were checking my phone's balance!"
"No no...I was umm... just.. seeing..!", I couldn't complete.
"Olivia's messages!?", He did complete.
I needed to come up with a good thing, "See I don't really care....!"
"Oh please! I saw you frowning and huffing at her texts....!", He was grinning now.
"She has said ill about me!", I yelled at him and then turned away, so I don't see his face.

I feel him sighing and then clearing his throat.
"I will tell you about me and Olivia today..!", How shitty his name with hers sounds!
"Bella...I met Olivia two years ago. She's a business corporate, investor basically. We were in a gala, when some common friend of ours introduced us to each other.
We both then shared a friends-with-benefits kinda relationship, where we met once or twice a month....to have....umm you know...!"

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