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"Master. Madam was born at Sharma's in India. Her both parents were Indian. However, her dad and grandfather had their business here. And somehow, her mother and father met professionally. They married and just two years after that Madam was born. However, the pregnancy was complicated and her mother died the very same day, she was born. Since she was a daughter of a rich businessman, news spread like a storm. Although, her dad claimed her daughter has been killed and her pregnancy was not a complicated one. Not just one month later, Mr. Sharma got married to Margarita Campbell, a British. And Madam's grandfather was found missing. After some years of searching, it was said that he died in a jet crash.
As according to the nanny, who cared for her step-sister, Madam's life was miserable just from her birth. She was denied of everything until some secret expectations started arriving on her name, when she got two.
Her father was threatened to admit her to school, then college and provide her everything. Assumptions say that her mother knew that his father would betray her one day and hence she made a fortune for her daughter, even before she was born.
However, Sharma thought that the daughter's fortune would become his when he'll make her marry. And that's where he grabbed the opportunity of selling her to you, because he was threatened to marry her at a rich home. And with you...all conditions were fulfilled.
As soon as you got married, Madam's fortune shifted to him and he disinherited her.", Bruce took a deep breath.
"How has she been in her life?", I asked.
"Master! Seeing her progress reports, the lady has been way too intelligent. The state topper in business management, just an year before. She was offered many jobs, but she didn't go because Sharma got ill, just when she was about to join."
I flinch at the thought of that ridiculous man! How can a man to this to his own blood!
No wonder, my own dad was no less. But probably, I understood him earlier than Bela understood hers.
"What about Daniel?", I asked finally.
"Master Daniel seems a mystery person! He's nowhere in citizen directory of England. I searched a lot but couldn't find anything. I even asked the nanny about him, but she said that no one knows about Daniel. Except Madam. And that too just that he loves her alot. I searched her school friends, college friends but there's no Daniel!"
"Okay Bruce! Thank you. Now go...and have some rest.", I say to him and he leaves.

I remember all this, as I see her sleeping on my lap. The truth Bruce told me, before she dropped her bomb on me.
And the creases on her forehead clearly define how torturous life has been.
Thanks to that fortune! Thanks to those mystery men, who guarded her so well for twenty four long years. Thanks to that bast**d that he no more owns her.
Had I known what all she's been through, I wouldn't have ever accused her of getting married with me. I would have never called her those names.
You are no less than that bast**d MS. What he did in 24 years, you managed to do in 2 months. -I say to myself.
Just then, I felt some disturbance on my lap.
I look at her sleepy, serene face. She tries to force open her eyes and the first thing they encounter is my own eyes!
Damn! She pulls up instantly. The blanket falls off her.
"How in the world...??", She cursed and then started looking around.
She took in the surrounding and now probably realized, it's my room. And that's when she starts getting off the bed, only to clinch as a jolt of pain and burn shouts through her body.
I divert my gaze from the sight in front of me. She was just in her underwears.
And as soon as the cold air hits her bare body, she realizes the position she's in.
She pulls back immediately back to the bed, covering herself again with the blanket with a rush, not caring if it hurts her wounds.
She knew the doctor undressed her. I specially called a female doctor for that. And she only insisted on having someone from the family in the room, because Bela was crying vigorously.
However, I was sure I am the reason, not the wounds.
"I want to go..!", She said in a monotonous tone, tears still flowing from her eyes.
"I hope you heard what doctor said. Don't take it lightly. I will take care of you. And there are no denials to what I say.", I say getting up from the bed and moving towards her bag, Bruce brought.
Taking out some clothes, I see almost all are tight and they would stick to her body.
"You wear only tight clothes or what?", I say pouting to her.
"Give me anything... I'll wear it anyways."
"You need to wear something loose. The wounds are still fresh.", I say to her.
"I don't have anything then. Give me a bathrobe."
"You'll wear bathrobe for how many days. I think I should order some lose dresses.", I take out my phone.
"No no.. you don't order. I'll manage...", She said trying to get down the bed wrapping the blanket around her.
"Stop there! Don't move...why you're such a stubborn woman!", I almost shout to which she stops and sits quietly.
Thinking alot, I search for some shirts of mine. A black shirt as white will be quite see through.
I offer it to her, "Wear this for now."
She looks up and suddenly forced her head away, "I don't need it."
"Bela! We both know you need it. Plus, you can wash it and return after you use it.", I know why she's not taking it.
She looks up and then slowly takes it.
I smiled at her small frown, she does towards the shirt.
"Turn!", She almost throws at me.
I instantly turn to let her change.

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