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I see everyone gone except her.
She was sitting near my newly made 'fake' grave and kept on staring at the text, written...

Here lies,
husband son grandson master
"As far as your love is true, it will always return to you."

I know this was way too much, but I had no way to bring her back.
I was attending my own funeral.
I was contemplating in my mind, when I see her suddenly rising from her place.
My ring still clutched tight in her fist.
She goes to the tombstone, from the foot of the grave where my name was carved.

I see her hands moving to where MAHIR was written. She caressed it with her soft hands.
The next moment she did something, that shocked my world.
She proceeded and kissed my name.
I swallow the gulp formed in my throat. What does this symbolize!?
"I wanted to LOVE you!", She said and a lone tear escaped her eyes.
My breath hitched.
She loves me!?!
Then why did she go!
"But I hate you for leaving. I so wanted to love you, but you didn't stay. You and Mom, are both alike. No one cares about me! I will never pardon you for this!!", She said and then started crying vigorously.
My heart clenched seeing her this way! No way, I will leave her to cry.

It was time to now, come in front of her when I see no one else in the graveyard. Not just bringing her back, but I had some other plans on my head too.
I removed the hoodie and let it fall on the floor. Slowly with steady steps I neared her.
The crackling voice of dried leaves attracted her attention, "Leave Bruce! I said I won't leave him...ever again!", she cried between her sobs.

"Bela...!", I said hoping my voice doesn't shock her.
But she didn't react.
Her head was fallen down and hand was on my name.
It pained to see her this way.
I then knelt down beside her and held her by shoulders, "Bela! I am here...!"

Probably, recognizing my voice, she snapped up her head at me.
Shock clouded her face and she lost her words. Her quivering lips told so.
I will have to tell her that I have faked it all, right now.
"Bela..I am fine. That burnt man is someone else..."
I couldn't complete my words as I was attacked with a bone crushing hug.
She wanted to say something but her words were incoherent because of her constant sobbing.
I hugged her back taking in the scent of her wet hairs, the warmth of her body, the one I have been longing for since one month.
From this near, I could see her paled figure, her skin was yellowish, as if it has lost it's pinkish colour.
After moments, I felt her going still in my arms. I checked on her only to find her fainted.
She looked vulnerable, her condition wasn't good.
"I'm sorry but there was no other way to get you back."
I carried her in my arms and took her to my car.
Settling her in the passenger's seat, I drove off to my suit, the place she likes the most and where I'll have her all by me.

(Extra: ONE SHOT-1 gives Mahir's POV after this. Click on the parts, on the top right corner, and check it out.)

I wake up with a start. My eyes refusing to open . I didn't want it to be a dream.
Did I really saw him!?
I open my eyes and find myself not in the graveyard but a cozy comfortable bed.
I was feeling lighter. I brought my hand from under the duvet to rub my eyes, only to find my black dress changed to a something white. I threw the duvet off me, and found myself in nothing but just a shirt, that was hardly covering my hips.
"You're awake!", I hear a familiar voice coming from the door of the room.
I looked in the direction and found him.
I am not dreaming-that's the first thing I realized.
"Mahir...!", Word left my mouth.
"Bela...drink this juice. Doctor said you're not eating properly.", He came to me, slowly sitting beside me and then brought the juice near my mouth.
I was too dazed to react in any other way except his.
I slowly drink the juice with his help. My thoughts were again and again trying to assure me that I am not dreaming. But I needed to verify it.
As he was about to go, I held his hand.
"I can't believe....", I couldn't say anything further as he leans in to kiss my Temple.
I take in the feeling as his lips touch my skin, his presence being clearly felt by my body.
My hold on him was tight.
"I know you are thinking it's a dream. But Bela I am alright. That man in the grave was not me.", I wanted time to process his words, so I let him go.
He went towards the washroom and then only I noticed that I was sitting with my exposed bare legs. I frantically covered them, before he comes out.
Keeping my head carefully on the head board, I could now see things clearly.
I was now able to interpret his lines.

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