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Life has been awful since that night.
I have never felt this disgusted. Someone's hate could never effect me to the extent her did. I felt broken to the extent, I could never heal but no worry, I have earned it.
I shifted her desk to another cabin because I know she doesn't feel good in my presence.
I didn't approach her then, it wasn't good of me. And all this was going well with her.
She used to stay to her own self and never bothered anyone.
She forgot everything she did on that night after getting drunk and I had no intention to embarrass her by telling what she did.
It has been two days since I got no glance of her, the last time being when she ran away for that Daniel. I insisted Marsha to call her and ask her if she's alright, if she needs me, where she is but Marsha was told nothing except that she wouldn't be able to come.
And these two fu*king days have passed rather miserably for me.
She could take all the curses on her, but hear none about Daniel. The way she reacted when I cursed him last time, well shows how much she loves him. Bruce have been constantly working to search about him but then no information.
He was no relative, as far as I know.
Her family hates her. Her step brother was named Ruskin. She had no cousins except one named Hades who was currently in India. Her father, no way.
There's no other man in her life... except them...well me too. This Daniel is either a secret friend. Wait!? Who I am trying to trick? Boyfriend he must be.
The way she smiles when he calls her, tells her everything.
That "I love you Daniel", was something regular I heard of.
Five months in a marriage and you find your wife over another guy, completely.

I sigh as I gulp another shot of red vine.
"MS Stop it.. you have already had enough of it.", Marsha snaps at me snatching the glass.

"Let me drink Marsha..", I say again as I take back the glass.
Just when she was about to protest again, the door flung open.
I shift my gaze from my drink to the door.
And there she was.
I hear myself leaving a sigh of relief as I see her back safely in her being.
She saw me and Marsha at once and came over straight to us, more precisely Marsha.
"Hi Marsha...!", and she hugged her.
To my surprise, Marsha didn't hug her back rather pushed her away gently.
"What happened Marsha?", She asked amazed.
"Nothing I was just wondering how you arrived so early.", She shoots at her sarcastically.
" was a problem...I told you... Daniel.", Bela was trying to explain her.
"I am just a servant Bela.. you don't need to explain me.", Marsha said and went away snatching away the glass from me.

Bela shifted her eyes from Marsha to me.
I could guess what she must be thinking.
"Before you think anything, I have not tried to instigate her.", I say in defense.
"You can't do that. I know Marsha.", She replied and then ran to the third floor.

Marsha was mad at her for me. I knew it. She didn't state it obvious to me but she was. She's probably thinking that Bela's behavior is,, hurting me. And the mother figure, she's been to me, she hates when someone bothers me mentally and I get into drinking.

Bela rushes down in no time and heads towards the kitchen. No doubt Marsha's anger bothered her more than I could imagine.
Although I was drunk, I didn't lose my soberness. And hence walked to the kitchen.
I hear them talk.
"Marsha why will he be hurt? We don't see each other for five six days. And he never even bothers me. You really think he has some feelings for me.", She said as my jaw dropped to the ground.
"You know what... everyone can see what's between you two. Even the servants who don't come in the mansion can. But not just you. He, definitely was a born dumb.", My eyes turn to slit at Marsha's comment.
I don't think they noticed me.
"He hates me Marsha....that's the only thing between us. And believe me no matter how he is as a husband to me, I am never going to cheat on him. Even after there will be a time when, may be we don't remain together. I can't switch between men.", She explains her.
She said something similar to when she was drunk. And my heart suddenly warmed at the sensation she caused in me.
"Bela... you never know about your heart. If you both can't handle it, let it go. Just don't see each other. Just part ways. I can't see you staying virgin for whole of your life and him drinking his liver out for you.", Marsha seemed pissed off.
"Marsha...we are tied because of him. Because of his stupid proposition."
"What's in it!?", Marsha asked.
Shit!! Marsha would kill me.
Oh my gosh!
"Marsha.. something he knows I'll never give him. Like...he says we should be like normal couples. You know... that's not possible. We were married in such circumstances.", She quickly covered up.
"You can give him a chance. He holds on to his relationships.... that's his best quality. And if you can't, you should tell him directly. At least he'll think of living life in an alternate way.", Marsha's tone was harsh and I think it was my time to enter.

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