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Fiore was the town of my dreams.

Ever since I was little, I had played with magic. First it was gatekeeping keys, then charms, and soon after my mother introduced me to the magic I had inherited through our many generations. But I always had to keep it hush-hush, because lots of regular people were always looking for ways to become more powerful over their business associates.

I watched my mother get taken in the middle of the night by men I didn't know. Our doors were locked and windows shut tight, but that didn't stop them.

In the morning, my father didn't comfort me. He didn't know where she went and I honestly don't think he cared.

He didn't have magic, so for the rest of my life, he made me stifle my abilities. In public, I was a quiet girl who behaved well. If I acted up... Well...

As soon as I turned 17, I gathered my things and bought a train ticket. I didn't look back. There was nothing left for me in that town and this was for the best.


I leaned my head against the window of the train, gazing out into the passing water. It sparkled brightly and reminded me that I was going somewhere that people can use their magic to help others in need. I wanted to be needed. It felt good.

My magazine dropped out of my lap under my seat and as I leaned over to pick it up, I noticed a few relatively unattractive men gazing somewhere they shouldn't be. I picked up the magazine and pulled my shirt up. I guess there's no such thing as a place without creepy, leering men.

I flipped open the magazine to some articles on the guild Fairy Tail.

'30 Homes Destroyed in a Devastating Wreck'

Jeez, they're always causing trouble, aren't they? Who pays for that stuff?

The woman of the month was a pretty, white haired girl named Mirajane. The girls in Fairy Tail were always stunningly beautiful.

The men in the seats diagonal to mine from before stood up suddenly and grabbed the emergency stop handle. I frowned, 'What's going on?'

One of the men pulled hard on it, and the train came to a screeching stop. "Ladies of the train," A burly man said loudly. I noticed that they were the only men in this compartment. "We're going to have to divert this course."

I stood up fast and one of the men pulled my arms behind my back. "No!" I cried out angrily, kicking and squirming in his grip.

Suddenly, the train filled with dust and broken wood splinters. "Let go." A deep voice hissed.

The men laughed heartily. "What are you going to do, stop me?"

"What else?"

The chuckles from the bunch died down as they frowned and squinted into the rubble of the train roof. A man with salmon pink hair and a black vest walked out with a confident spring in his step. He looked angry.

"Oh..." One of the men cooed out. "Are you going to hit me?"

In a flash, I fell to the ground on my knees. A fireball flew over my head and knocked out a few people. I ducked just in time. My eyes started to water from all the debris on the floor but deep down I didn't care because I knew I was going to be ok.

The train lit up from the fire, and I felt muscular arms pull me up from the ground. I came face to face with the boy from before.

"Let's get you out of here."

As he pulled me up, I could see that the compartment and the rest of the train had evacuated, thankfully.

The last thing I felt from that moment, was a surge of heat.

Instinctively, I put up a forcefield around the boy and I and the blast from the explosion blew us into the water.

He looked surprised, and we plunged into the ocean with a splash. "Nice work." He said and smiled.

I hid my grin and I could feel my cheeks heating up. I have to admit, he is pretty cute.

Our orb rolled up into a shallow part of the water and I got rid of it.

I pulled myself onto the rocks ashore and looked around. Where did he go?

"Hey, down there." I looked up. "You should probably come with me to get that looked at."

There was a pretty big gash on my leg, and when I noticed it, it started to sting. "Yeah. Ouch." When I tried to stand up, my knees buckled and I collapsed back onto the ground.

He picked me up and carried me away, walking briskly into the nearby town. "What's your name, anyway?" He said coolly.

"Violet." I mumbled, releasing the tension from my shoulders and relaxing in his grip.

"That's... A nice name." He said, nervously. "I'm Natsu."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Natsu."

"Oh, please. The pleasure's all mine."

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