"Checking.... There seems to be no living life here," Sparkle replied. She looked around more anxiously; it was deserted, and for a reason she was guessing, it was called no return after all. She felt anxious being there; the only sounds were her breathing and an ominous noise somewhere in the distance. The room was filled with giant images hung up with clips on a line.

"Emmet!" she then called out, scared, hoping for some sort of reply, but nothing happened. Lucy felt herself losing hope as she sighed and began walking back. She then paused as she noticed something that was behind Sparkle—a drawing of some sort. "What the..." Lucy mumbled to herself as she looked at the drawing in horror; the drawing displayed a giant beast-like creature with red eyes, under neath Queen Whatevra Wa'nabi's castle, along with all of her friends who were falling into the beast's mouth.

"W-what is this? I don't know what this is!" Lucy panicked as she backed up. Almost on cue, a gust of wind swooped by, turning the page over and revealing, in scratched-out crayon: DUKESDAY. "...Dukesday?" Lucy was terrified. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew she had to warn the others, and quickly. "We gotta get out of here and fast!" Lucy warned Sparkle as she hopped back inside quickly. 

Just as she was getting ready to go, a loud thump shook the whole room. Lucy looked in front of her as the giant beast from the picture was right in front of the ship, staring at her dead on. "Lucy, we have to go!" Sparkle yelled as Lucy didn't move out of fear. The beast then opened its mouth, slowly leaning forward, trying to grab Sparkle.

"Oh, forget this," Sparkle yelled as she began to auto-pilot. The ship zipped up, dodging another bite attempt from the beast as she zoomed out towards the exit. "T-the door! It's not going to open!" Lucy then snapped back into reality, "Yea, we've got to find a way to open it; there's a button that does so over there!" Sparkle said as Lucy noticed the spot beside the door that she was talking about.

"You've got to shoot it with a blaster!" "You seriously think I have a blaster? I'm a party ship, not a fighting ship?!" Sparkle replied as the beast hit her bottom, making them lose their balance. "Okay, I got an idea. Just get me as close to there as possible!" Lucy said as Sparkle zipped around towards the button.

Lucy butted back on her helmet as she jumped on top of Sparkle as the ship swayed every once in a while to dodge the beast from getting them. She then took a deep breath as she launched forward towards the button. 

She felt as if everything was going in slow motion...

Maybe that's what I intended for people to think when reading this, I don't know-

Nevertheless, she kicked the button spot on, opening the door for a short period of time. Lucy turned around and noticed the beast running towards her, mouth open and all. Lucy gasped as she shut her eyes tight in a sign of acceptance; but to her luck, Sparkle caught her just in time.

"Hurry! Before the door closes!" Lucy yelped as she threw off her helmet. "Really? Not even a 'thank you, Sparkle, for saving me'? Gee, your a real sweetheart, aren't you-" "JUST GO!" Lucy yelled as the door began to close. "I told you this was a bad idea, and look, I'm RIGHT AGAIN!" Sparkle continued as she sped up towards the door as it closed slowly—painfully slowly, if you ask me.

Lucy looked back, noticing the beast was still right behind them. "We can't go through the door, Lucy; that thing will follow us on the way out!" Sparkle warned. "Not if we make it there faster than it, keep going!" Lucy said as Sparkle sighed. The door was almost fully closed at this point, leaving only a small opening.

Sparkle and Lucy screamed as Lucy shut her eyes, bracing for impact. They made it out just in time as the small gap closed. "We made it!" Lucy breathed out, relieved. "The better thing is that the weird beast didn't," Sparkle acknowledged as they laughed a bit. Just as they began laughing, the door burst open, revealing the beast again.

Lucy and Sparkle screamed as they hid behind a shelf of some sort. The beast began to sniff around until it looked up towards the stair gate. "No,no, no..." Lucy began, realizing what it was thinking... Without a second of hesitating, the beast then rushed up into it, disappearing...

 "What have we done?" Sparkle breathed out as Lucy looked up, scared. 


President Business finally landed on the business planet after making a bunch of detours. He opened the ship door as he stepped out to see people dressed up in business suits just like him. "Hm, how come I've never been here before?" President Business thought as he began walking up to a group of people.

"Hey, do you guys know if Emmet Brickowski is here?" He then asked. The business people looked down at their phones, texting extremely fast; after a few seconds, they looked up. "My CEO's said they haven't seen an Emmet Brickowski.". "Same here.", "Yeah, I know everyone and there is no Brickowski here." the other one responded.

"Well, that was easy; thanks for the help!" President Business said as he walked away. Just before he could take another step, a ship crashed in front of him. "What the?!" He yelled as the door opened, revealing a very shaken-up Metalbeard. "Be ye alright? Nothing happened here?!" Metalbeard grabbed him as he looked around nervously.

"What? Nothing happened here! And let go of the suit; I just got it cleaned yesterday." President Business slapped his hand away. "Something bad happened, me don't even know whar to start..." Metalbeard panicked more. "Whoa, calm down. What happened? Someone fell overboard or something?" President Business laughed at his joke for a second.

"Worse," Metalbeard said seriously as President Business stopped laughing, acknowledging the fear in the pirates eyes. Just before he could speak, a loud thump shook the ground. "It's here.." Metalbeard half whispered as President Business turned around to where everyone was looking.

His eyes widened as he saw a hairy creature much larger towering over them. He looked up more until something shiny on the beast caught his eye. "...Duke?" President Business read confused, "It be the name of the monster," Metalbeard said as Business gulped.

Ooooo, cliffhanger much? Once more, I want to say thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope it was all worth it! Funny story is that I did in fact base Duke off of my old dog, who would constantly chew up and eat my stuff.

I hope you're chewing up more stuff in heaven, little buddy <3 


LEGO MOVIE PT.3 (Lego movie fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum