Just keep falling, just keep falling

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Thought of Dory and named this chapter because of that.

PLOF! We finally made it to the bottom. The only problem was, it was pitch black, we didn't know where we were and we didn't have any food or water or ambrosia. Typical demigod stuff. And Leo wasn't there to light our way. I sniffed the air.

"It smells of rotten eggs." I said. However, no one laughed at it. Instead, Annabeth confirmed our thoughts.

"The Prophecy of the Lost has begun." She announced. It made sense- we were six Half-Bloods.

"What's next, then?" Frank asked.

"'Thy six Half-Bloods shall walk on, to thou with new form.' I suggest we walk on." She looked around, "But to where? Anyone got a light or something?" We all searched our pockets, and I found Riptide. It gave a bit of light.

"Riptide gives out a bit of light." I suggested.

"We'll settle with that, then." Jason nodded. I uncapped Anaklusmos, and a coppery light glowed. We could at least see a couple of meters away. So, we walked on. To what, where and who, we didn't know. We were completely clueless. Heck, we even didn't know what the Prophecy was about!...

We walked on for what I thought was days. But you can never know. We were all tired and were a bit more skinny than before. We looked horrible. At least, no monsters went in our way.

Schist, this got really tiring.

"I call for a rest." Piper piped up, out of no where.

"Yea, let's rest a bit." I answered. We sat down, well, more like laid down, and closed our eyes.

"I'm going to go a bit ahead." Frank announced. Annabeth opened an eye at that, and responded:

"That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard of about doing, Zhang."

"I'll only go for some meters. Don't worry!" Frank exclaimed.

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"It'd be dangerous..."

"What if you get lost?"

"What if something happens?"

All of us didn't want him to go on alone. But he insisted.

"Pleeeaaassee!!! It calls for me! I need to!" The boy complained.

"Oh, okay! Go on!" I gave him permission. I shouldn't have.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhh!!!..." BOOM!

Aaaaannnnnndddd, there we go! Guess what happened! I'm dying to give out spoilers. UGHHHH! I know I shouldn't, so I won't.

The best food in the world,


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