Archive Log: 39

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The atmosphere within the ship now was solemn, a heaviness was just hanging over everyone; not that they all socialised together much anyway, but now there was even more of a rift. Minerva was accompanied back to her room by David, he looked distantly thoughtful. They had been informed that Elizabeth had passed out and was in medical. David was asked to check in on her, he would, once he escorted Minerva back to her room.

"How much of that stuff did you give to Charlie?" Minerva asked, turning into her room and wasting no time in unzipping her suit. She turned, pulling her arms out and rolling it down to her hips.

David stood watching her, she had a simple grey vest on underneath, but as she continued pushing the material down, it seemed all she had on her lower half was underwear. He couldn't help but tilt his head slightly, it was perhaps wrong of him that he was becoming more aware to her, or the fact that he appreciated and liked what he saw. "A speck, the tiniest of droplets."

"And it killed him?" Minerva picked the suit up, she folded it and placed it on the table. David still stood near the door, he turned and looked down at her. "That stuff is potent, David."

"Isn't it just?" He mused, shaking his head he placed a hand against her shoulder. "It is contained though. And for all they know, Doctor Holloway caught something here. If anything, they will all be worrying that something had been in the air all along, secret and hidden."

Minerva frowned, "We don't want mass hysteria, David. People, when they panic and get like that, are a handful. Reasoning won't work. They'll only believe what they want to."

He nodded, she was right, he supposed. "I have to go-"

"Are you waking father up?" Minerva looked at him hopefully.

David smiled slowly, "Not yet, no. I shall come collect you though when I am. I'm going to see how Elizabeth is doing."

"I'll be here waiting then!" She shrugged and happily turned on her heels and shuffled off. She found clean clothes and then headed towards the bathroom. Being dirty didn't affect her like it did humans, but it was still a much nicer feeling not being sticky from that suit.

David watched her go, he looked down at himself. He heard the water start in the bathroom, she was better off staying here while he went to medical. He unzipped his suit and pulled his arms free, he wore his grey t-shirt underneath and walked out the room in search for trousers. Soon being changed, he walked into the room where Elizabeth still laid, silent and sleeping on the table, white hospital gown now on. He tilted his head, she looked so peaceful laying there. He couldn't think how she even felt, seeing her other half get sick so suddenly, and then watching him burn. He could imagine, in a way, how he'd feel if he saw Minerva being hurt, being would destroy him. And he didn't know how he would react from this hypothetical reasoning.

David did feel a bitterness creeping in, mainly towards the whole act. He wasn't surprise Meredith took it upon herself to put the doctor down. Of course it would be her, it allowed her to have a small ounce of power, where she had very little here really. Glancing at the small glint of gold, David looked at the necklace around the woman's neck. He reached out to take it off, only to have her flinching and suddenly gripping onto his wrists. David paused and looked at her placidly. Elizabeth's eyes were wide with panic, she looked like she had a fever, red cheeked and sweating lightly. It seemed to take her a few moments to clock where she was, and who she was looking at.

David just smiled kindly, he didn't deter her hands still holding on, he just stood patiently until she realised he wasn't posing a threat. He was here to help her, after all. "My deepest condolences," he started, speaking softly as to not rile her up again. Although he watched as her dark eyes slowly started to fill with tears. "I'm going to have to take this, it may be contaminated." His eyes flicked to the cross which his fingers were still lightly holding onto.

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