Archive Log: 26

328 22 2

"Everything is programmed in, the shields are down, and all we need to do is go have a nice long sleep." Janek said while sitting in his hypersleep chamber, already he sat preparing mentally for the long slog which was going to be enforced sleep. Much like everyone else, he wore the simple white shorts that the rest of the men had been given to wear. He looked up as everyone else was pottering around, finding the chambers which had already been preprogrammed with their information in.

"Sweet dreams then everyone." Millburn piped up, sarcastically while waving a hand at them. He laid down, fidgeted and placed his arms across his stomach.

"Glasses," David walked passed him and just gave him a customary glance before moving off. Millburn reached up and removed his glasses, folding the arms in and placing them beside his head. It wasn't like there was going to be any risk of him rolling and crushing them. Once asleep, there was no movement. Very much a coma state.

"Are you ready, Captain?" David opted to go for Janek first, seems the man was already seemingly gearing up. Yes, Millburn may have been laying there, but the uncertain look on his face said it all that he would rather be last. Got to drag out being awake for as long as possible. The man seemed nervous, scared even if David could guess correctly.

Janek looked up at David, he just smiled politely downwards. "Ah, yeah, yeah..." Janek's voice trailed off quietly, "As ready as I'll ever be." He finished while throwing his legs onto the cushioned mattress. He scooted downwards and laid down hesitantly. He was more than aware to the fact that everyone was looking at him. He was the first to be put to sleep.

David moved around to stand next to the control panel. He simply pushed a few buttons and watched as the lid shut, Janek's eyes blinked up through the glass for a few more moments before they shut. He was asleep, David looked up at the small group around him. He smiled, "Who's next?" The apprehensive looks made David's smile falter, maybe that sounded more sinister than he intended. He didn't wish to unsettle anyone.

One by one though they all eventually settled and were put to sleep. Meredith and Minerva were the only two remaining who weren't. The sisters stood near each other, both in the same simple underwear outfit which was provided. Meredith stood with her arms crossed, usual unimpressed expression on her face. Whereas Minerva sat in her chamber, swinging her legs. Her hands gripped the sides and had sat and watched everyone go to sleep.


"Yes, I know, David." Meredith cut him off and slipped easily into her chamber. She laid there and shut her eyes, awaiting to hear the hiss of mechanics kick in as the lid shut.

It took a matter of moments before the blonde was asleep, and then David slowly turned and looked at Minerva. She looked at him nervously, David sighed. He grabbed a hold of a wheeled table which was nearby. No one had paid mind to it sitting there, least of all glanced at the tablet and wiring, or even the scalpel. Admittedly, David may have to cut away at her skin to create a small opening to allow himself to access her inside machinery. "It is time, Minnie." David said, sounding reasonably more kind to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it gently, "You will be fine."

Minerva looked up at him with wide eyes, "Do you want to swap places? I know how to do what is asked of you! Or, or you could know, tamper with everything and make it seem like I am really asleep. I don't actually need to be in here, do I?"

David looked sympathetic at her scared rambling. "Tampering will be logged and noticed." He answered, "I cannot do that. I was asked to assist everyone in going to sleep, I have done that for everyone. That does not exclude you." David said while tilting his head, she looked up at him through her eyelashes. "No exceptions. If she could, I think Meredith would've liked to have stayed awake too. For that matter, I believe everyone would've. People know the outcome from such things. They are apprehensive to be within these things for long periods of time, because they know their bodies can't cope. You don't have that trouble. Yes, we do not know the affects which you will feel. won't be half as bad as these lot." David said while turning and sitting beside her. His feet easily touched the floor, whereas hers were a few inches off. He actually never realised how small she was, not just in height but stature in general. The human body was an interesting form, even more interesting being that hers was based on it. But, where people had small imperfections, she had none. The simple clothes she was wearing, really did nothing but allow David to glance at her in a new light. In his eyes, she was perfect. And it didn't take her being in underwear for him to realise this.

With a sigh, Minerva brushed her hair behind her ears and smiled up at him. Bumping her shoulder against his, she nodded her head slowly. David reached up and playfully ruffled her hair. She let out an unhappy noise and shooed his hand away, David just grinned. Turning and holding onto his hand, she just looked at him simply. "I hope the time goes quickly."

David linked his fingers with hers. "I have no concept of time. Time is irrelevant to us really, isn't it?" He asked, watching Minerva slowly nod her head agreeing with him. "Come on," he patted her hand with his spare one. Minerva looked up at him, she looked wide eyed and scared again. David slipped from the chamber, he turned and slipped his hand into the back of her hair. Bringing her forward, his forehead leaned against hers. He shut his eyes and just enjoyed the peace, and her warmth while it lasted. David pulled away before long and kissed her forehead, "It is time for bed, Minnie." She begrudgingly nodded and slipped down to lay, David watched her as she got comfortable before she nodded up at him. She was ready, David pulled the table closer. Pushing hair out the way, he probed gently with a finger before feeling the small connection under her skin. Picking up the scalpel, he made a small slit. Watching her wince, "Sorry," he whispered as he connected the small lead into her, the other being already in the tablet.

"Will I just go?"

"Yes," David replied looking at the table and the read outs which were on the thin screen. He looked down at her, "Just as if you were human again."

"Just minus the dreams."

"Yes." David affirmed with a nod, Minerva looked up at him sadly. "Apologies there," not that he could do anything about it. Minerva just smiled lightly before feeling herself growing numb.

"Heavy...David, I feel heavy." She sounded worried as her eyes looked around before looking up at him.

David lowered another setting and watched as the function to breathe switched off. They didn't need to breathe, it was just a habit. The function of blinking soon followed as her pupils dilated and David manually shut her eyes. "Goodnight, Minerva. I will see you soon," David stroked her hair gently, she could still hear, it was the last thing apart from her actual consciousness that he had left on. But with two fingers he easily managed to lower the settings to the point of being off. She laid motionless then, David disconnected the lead and placed it on the table. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead one last time before leaning back and shutting the chamber up. He looked down at her through the glass, she looked so peaceful laying there. But already, even though it had only been moments, he missed her. He supposed he better get used to it, it was going to be a while before being with her again. Looking around, David observed all the sleeping forms before turning and walking out of the room, dimming the lights as he went. Glancing down each side of the corridor, he simply turned and moved off towards the bridge.


Edited: 15/June/2021)

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