Archive Log: 20

408 22 3

"Think you can handle it?"

There was a low whistle, Idris Janek adjusted the cap which was on his head. He placed his hands on his hips and looked over the no longer skeletal structure of the ship. By now it was near on completion, windows were secured in, airlocks shut, by all means it looked ready to fly, almost. "Little lady, I think you are severely misjudging my skills."

There was conjoined scoffs which came from the side. Minerva looked away from the African American beside her and looked over to where two other males stood. Emun Chance and Benedict Ravel seemed to be trying to hide smirks behind their hands. Janek, in return, shot them a look. The look was still a little bit present as he looked back at Minerva, she smiled. "I've read your file, Captain. I don't doubt you'll be able to fly this ship, along with your two co-pilots there." Minerva said while tucking her hands into her pockets. "My father asked me to show you what you were going to be contending with, so here we are."

"You know," Janek waved a finger her way, Minerva raised an eyebrow. "You are a lot more hospitable than your sister." Minerva's other eyebrow raised to join the other as she looked up at Janek. He smirked, rather sarcastically it seemed and nodded slowly. He seemed to be calculating his next words, but instead decided to just be simple and blunt on the matter. "Not much alike, are you?"

"Different mothers." Minerva pointed out, she turned on her heels and commenced walking the perimeter of the ship. She looked up at it from the corner of her eyes, she still had to crane her neck a little to look up at it, but it was certainly something now that it was basically completed. She glanced over her shoulder, Janek, Ravel and Chance were following her almost obediently. She smiled, stopping walking as she turned to them. "I am sorry that you've had to contend with her, and her mood swings. She's probably a little cut up that she isn't as in the loop as she'd have hoped. I'm a lot better with people, she...not so much."

"You don't say," Janek said with a quiet chuckle.

Minerva smiled, "I don't know why she sought you out. But I figure it might be to see the person she's entrusting her life to, while in space."

Janek spread his arms, a little dramatically. "So, do I pass? Will I do?"

Minerva laughed, "If you hadn't, or didn't, you wouldn't be here. Now, please, I have been told to take you to medical...last minute tests and all that. It's nothing at all to worry about." Minerva said while gesturing to the side and leading the way out the hangar. She walked quietly along the corridor, hands in her pockets as she listened to them following a little behind her.

"So, you've had these tests done already then?"

Minerva tilted her head, it was Chance who was asking her. She looked around the corridor silently for a few moments. Had she had the tests done on her? No. That was what Weyland would've been kicking off about previously. He had argued that because she was newly back into the world, that she couldn't possibly be harbouring anything. And if need be, he'd present the medical staff here with the last medical tests which were run on her; by his own personal staff which had frequented the house to check on her when she 'woke up'. It was all a lie. There was no new, or reasonably new tests which had been run on her. The last tests which were run on her when she was human was to see that all her organs were failing her and she had septicaemia.

Minerva smiled, she turned and looked at Chance. The dark haired and eyed man looked at her curiously, he seemed a little on edge. Minerva smiled kindly then, perhaps he wasn't fond of doctors? Putting her hands together she stepped forwards, "I have, and they are nothing to concern yourself with. It's more for the peace of mind for the top brass, you know? Got to make sure you're all fit and healthy before shuttling you into space, that is all." Minerva lied, rather brilliantly. Chance let out a breath he had clearly been holding. She reached forwards and put a hand against his arm, "Emun Chance, you will be okay, I promise." Minerva smiled and patted his arm gently, to the side she could see Ravel and Janek smirking and nudging each other. She sighed and rolled her eyes, they were acting like children.

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