Archive Log: 34

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"Stay close," Minerva looked confusedly up at David. He was staring off into the distance, or specifically the direction in which Charlie had disappeared off to. Slowly, his face turned and looked down at her. "I worry."

"I know." Minerva whispered, she placed her hand against his arm. "I will be by your side, through this whole journey, David. I promise you." She smiled softly, she couldn't think of a better person to go exploring with to be honest here.

David's lips slowly pulled into a smile of his own, a genuine one. Not like the sarcastic smiles he was sending Charlie's way earlier. "Quite the little shadow, aren't you?"

Minerva let out a quiet laugh and nodded her head, she wasn't sure whether she should've agreed with his words or not; but even if she didn't, who was she to lie that she would shadow him. She looked up hearing Charlie again, David's eyes narrowed and Minerva rolled hers. He was practically like a child at Christmas jumping almost to one side trying to hurry everyone up to get in the vehicle which would take them outside.

David placed a hand behind her back and encouraged her forwards. He simply followed suit as everyone got their first glimpse of outside. Charlie cracked a space joke which got silence and looks sent his way. Minerva just looked at David with a dumbfounded look. This may be akin to the first man on the moon, but there was something irking that it was Charlie who did this pun.

The sky was grey, the surface of the planet covered in rocky outcrops and boulders. The ground was equally grey in colour, as far as the horizon stretched it was all the same. There was nothing outstanding in this place, no landmark, other than the dome before them, that could be considered as such. It was all the same, dark, grey bleak surroundings. The sky and ground almost bled into one, there was a slight breeze which picked up dirt, but overall it was deathly silent.

It was eerier outside then what was first suspected. Although, it was clear none of them knew exactly what was to be expected. Wasn't like there was going to be a welcome party, was it? Although, if there was, it would surely simplify this mission down and make it a lot less complicated. The eerie feeling if anything grew once the journey away from the ship ended. The dome before them was vast, vastly larger than what any scan or view could even begin to imagine. It was clear that it was not created by nature. It was too perfect, too smooth and symmetrical. Along the ground was a crooked and jagged opening. It looked as if soil and earth had eroded away and fallen inside. It was a natural way in. It didn't look manmade because of how the opening was formed.

Jagged rock stuck out from the ground and the ceiling as they all leaned down to enter. It was a bit of a dodge and weave affair, getting inside was tricky. But eventually, even through slipping and tripping a little, everyone managed to get inside. It was deceiving really, what had been a narrow passageway, had slowly opened up into a space which allowed them to walk side by side. It was still dark, but the light from outside could filter down to illuminate the way a little. Details were still hard to make out however, but it was nothing that the lights on everyone's suits couldn't combat against. Although, in saying this, the beams of light did struggle. The darkness down here seemed absolute, heavy and unable to be penetrated.

"How high up do you think this goes?" Minerva asked, the ceiling seemed to stretched upwards for a fair while. With little light source there was, she could clearly see the height of this place. The only other person who wouldn't struggle to see was David. But he was too busy to one side looking over other things in this space.

Millburn stood beside her suddenly, he had his hands on his hips and whistled thoughtfully. "High enough to fit a thirty storey building in?" He estimated, although his words caused her to frown at him curiously. "What? I'm guesstimating here." He laughed quietly, the noise seemed to echo out in the large room. Because of the echo, it was clear there wasn't anything in here for the sound waves to bounce off of.

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