Archive Log: 36

352 20 6

The storm which hit the planet, was something which no one was even wholly prepared for. The worst storms on Earth did not compare with what was currently battering the surface of this world. The winds picked up enough that it was actually a bit of a struggle to keep feet on the ground. It pushed against everyone's retreating backs, and if it wasn't for the suits and the equipment adding a little extra weight, it might've been a different story.

The sky had turned a dark charcoal colour, clouds brewing over the horizon were rolling closer as the sand and debris on the ground was being picked up by the oncoming wind. It was perhaps all the worst types of weather at the same time. If it wasn't the wind causing problems, the buggies they had all travelled in were being edged onwards by the force, the wheels struggled a little with traction and there was swerving at times. Then perhaps the loosing of light was a problem? Despite the buggy lights, and the torches on their suits, everyone's eyes had to squint against the darkness which was creeping in ever more.

The storm clouds had fully eclipsed everything now, there was no natural light, it was just dark. A gloomy, thick, almost suffocating darkness that their torches barely cut into. It wasn't exactly rain which came from above, but more hail, small stones which had been whisked up into the tumultuous atmosphere. These little pieces of stone and shards of whatever else was flying around, impacted against their helmets and if anything, caused the accelerators to be pressed down even more. There was only so much speed the buggies could do, but with the force of everything, it was a surprise there wasn't any dents or cracks appearing in their gear.

Through the heavy murk, the Prometheus could be seen; standing almost sentinel like, its headlights shining out brightly, the churning sand and dirt darted and spiralled about in the lamplight before the shadows of the buggies and people in them pulled up and blocked anything really getting in through the open door. In a rush, everyone speeded over to the door. Pressing against the side of the ship, one by one everyone managed to get in. Those waiting encouraged whoever in with a slight shove before nearly everyone was standing in the blinding white lit room.

The only two who weren't, were Elizabeth and Charlie. The first had got caught in a vicious updraft, which snatched the bag from her grasp and carried it away, she had tried to catch her footing, only to fail. Elizabeth's form shuttled to the side as she slammed into one of the sturdy legs of the ship, keeping it anchored and subsequently now her. She clutched the bag against herself, she couldn't let it go. If she did, the head would be lost forever and it would've been a wasted journey.

Charlie however, as soon as he saw Elizabeth go flying, he had wasted little time in turning around and running back out. The velocity and strength of the wind had picked up now that the storm was fully upon them. Charlie had struggled through the arms of the crew, he ignored them calling his name and he too got carried away in the wind and managed to struggle his way to Elizabeth's small form. She had almost curled in on herself as he landed and slid in the dirt to press his body against hers.

Despite of being near the large metallic structure of the anchoring leg, and even more so considering the chunks of debris which were hitting against it; they were still stuck. They were sheltered, but not sheltered enough, and if anything, if they stayed out there any longer, they would get seriously hurt, or worse. Seeing that it was his duty, David had quickly sprung into action. Of course, no one tried to stop him like they did with Charlie. Although Minerva stood with her hands to her chest with wide eyes, that was as much concern as he was going to get from anyone right now. It wasn't like she could jump and pull at him, not without it looking utterly bizarre, considering the circumstances.

Attaching the winch to himself, David stepped out and unlike Charlie, he didn't fight against the wind. He jumped and let it take him in the direction of the two sheltering doctors. They were huddled together, Charlie's arms around Elizabeth as she leaned in against herself. They looked up though hearing the sudden crunch of stony ground being landed on. David just knelt there, there was no point talking, the wind was too loud, practically screaming and howling as it viciously shredded through the area.

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