Archive Log: 21

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"What will you do, when he discovers you are not human?" David asked, he watched as Minerva jumped. She was holding in her hands the file containing Emun Chance's medical records. The thin tablet almost got dropped as she turned in her seat and looked up at him. He just stood, arms crossed behind his back and his facial expression being rather blank, and unamused as he looked down at her.

Something about her taking a liking to a human, didn't sit well with David. He watched as she switched the tablet off and leaned forwards to put it on the table. It was forgotten about for the moment, and Minerva seemed to have it in mind to just sit in silence and look out the window. It didn't take much for him to sneak into the large room and peer silently over her shoulder at what she was looking at. Something serious, he thought, considering she was usually quite alert. Apparently no, nothing serious. He couldn't help but voice the thought in his head. He presumed Chance would act like anyone else would, shock and horror and then opt for distance. David didn't need to be as smart as he was to know that distance would sadden her.

"And how is he going to discover that, exactly?" Minerva's voice asked quietly, her eyes blinked slowly as she looked upwards at him. He stepped to stand beside her and the chair she was in, his head was still tilted down to look at her though. She looked forwards again, looking to the darkened landscape before them both.

"A slip up, perhaps?"

That had Minerva frowning and jumping up from her seat. She rounded on him and looked at him incredulously, "A slip up?" She questioned with a sceptical tone. "A slip up?!" Her voice raised a little, all David did was nod slowly. "The whole point of us, is to blend in with people."

"Unless you slip up."

"Unless I am male and look like you, I'm rather sure I'll be fine." Minerva said frankly, watching as the smug expression on his face slipped. He looked rather annoyed then, Minerva didn't care. She didn't exactly know why he was continuing on to be childishly mean to her, continuing to try and argue on a point which she couldn't even remember anymore. "I'm not a carbon copy, remember?" She said, cursing herself really for continuing on and making David's mood darken even more. She could see he didn't quite like being a clone of something else, or having clones which looked like him, whichever way it went. "And anyway, what business is it of yours? Emun seemed genuinely hesitant with the doctors earlier, is it so wrong of me to want to know if he was okay?"

David raised an eyebrow. "Known of him for a day, and you're already on first name basis."

Minerva crossed her arms, it was like David just completely blanked everything she just said for that. She raised her eyebrows in turn and smiled slowly, this caused David to look sceptical. "You're jealous."

David opened his mouth to retort only to shut it again. Was that was this feeling was? He felt uneasy, like something was eating away at him from the inside. Both his mind and what had been designed as his stomach felt in contrast to each other. There was subtle anger, and annoyance; yet also a tinge of longing. So this was jealousy? David didn't like it. Or rather, he didn't understand what she could get from the human co-pilot, when he was here, and always would be. David shifted from foot to foot slowly, something inside his mind clicked then. He had come to see Minerva as the eternal companion, friend as it were, both something in that dynamic had changed for him. It wasn't that this supposed jealousy was over Minerva finding a new friend, shirking him for another; it was that she seemed to look at that file, and the photograph attached, with a distantly fond expression.

David frowned, did he want her to look at him like that? In all honesty, there were times when she had, fleetingly in the past. "It will end in tears." He said decisively. Minerva looked at him with a small frown on her face. "You are over-sensitive, and from what I have seen of human males, they are not the most trustworthy." David paused, he leaned down to be on her eye level. "He will probably tire of you, like a new gadget which has long since become boring-" David's head snapped to the side. Probing his tongue to his lip, he was minutely aware to the fact that he was bleeding, well, not conventional blood but he was bleeding. She had hit him, again, only this time had done damage.

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