(61) As expected...

3 0 0

As I expected things sometimes come to an end... and maybe it's better that way...

Maybe you should stop hurting...

Sometimes you realize how much damage you can make to yourself and another person without meaning it... but because you were persistent...

Maybe sometimes we just have to let go...

Recently things have changed...

The beating of heart I got when I saw you turned into just a blush...

I don't hear my heart beat anymore...

And as for my checks... well... for now... those are still pink... not red... but not clear...

There's this new person... I'm not sure if it makes my heart beat faster than usual because if it did then I never noticed when it started...

But I'm certain that hints changed for a reason... I'm certain that if you were not meant to look back at me and we were not meant to finish a whole conversation then... I should have known better...

Now I can tell you goodbye... not as a definite one... but more as a sentimental one...

And now I can say "Hi" to this new feeling... this new face...

This new person that I'm whiling getting to know more...

Getting to talk more...

And getting to listen more...

Cause you taught me that... for a good start... there should be equal interest... so...

I'll do that... I'll let this new... NEW, be the newest chapter of a new book...

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