(31) What I imagine when she called us cute...

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I think that at this point I don't need to apologize anymore... I guess you already got used to me being so... selfish? So... this... explains how I feel whenever I remember those words... when I imagine what could those words represent:

"We are together. Apart from most people that are together we... don't show it as much... we are not as clingy... we look almost as just... best friends from childhood. I imagine you and I very once in a while having lunch together and actually enjoying some time together.
In my world my friends don't mind and won't say anything but... if this were to happen in real life... they would bug us all the time...
I imagine the height difference we would have... you would literally be my Mount Everest...
I think hugging you would be really cozy and calming... whenever feeling stressed or worried... I think that would keep me relaxed...
I think we would probably argue about the dumbest things such as favorite cartoons and nicknames for each other...

I also imagine that you'd probably bug me about my short height and how I have to go on my tip toes if I want to reach anything out of your hand...

I guess... I just imagine the cutest things but, without them being too clingy and cliche... if you know what I mean? No?

What I try to say is... perhaps we would be a nice cute and close couple... one that doesn't lie nor hurt... one that can count on each other but... that also knows when too keep some space for their own lives... keep some space so that we don't know everything about each other and we still have chance to talk about crazy things we didn't know about each other..."

I guess... that's what those words mean...

Is it wrong from me to think this ways? As in... from what I told you last chapter and right now?
Is it wrong to feel that way? Did you ever feel like that for any girl...? Do you perhaps know... how much you mean to me at this point... have you been in my shoes?

If yes then, tell me about it... I want to listen to what you have to say... I'd hear it like if it was a melody... I'd value every word... and I'll try to understand what you mean... as much as I can...
At least... that's what I hope...

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