(46) Stop knocking on my door...

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Stop knocking on my door cause I'll gladly open it with hopes of you liking me...

Every time you watch me I feel like a lighted up but broken light. Is it to difficult to understand?

Recently you've been busy with things in school and I've been waiting for a response to my messages... do I sound desperate? It's not like I think that you are dating someone...

Uh, maybe I'm thinking of it... but just a little i promise...

Ok I'm lying but i would never say that out loud... at least not now...

I swear (because I'm not too religious) that I melt every time I catch you looking at me and you don't notice that I ACTUALLY DO NOTICE which makes you look so cute!

I'm sorry... I'm sorry to my own feelings for doing this to myself... I know I shouldn't... I know I should stick to the "realistic"... I should stop my brain for thinking so much over so little...

I start thinking you have even the slightest interest in me just because you take a glance at me every once in a while... like... HONESTLY!

I shouldn't be so open hearted or I'll get hurt if things go any different from what my heart says...
but I can't help it...

Those little glances are like nocks on my door... a door I open widely every time and fill my own house with hope... hope that can't get out through the curtains and ends up consuming in my own persona... then they just accumulate and make the act of "leaving you" almost... impossible...

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