Sarah's Mission [Season 2 Prelude]

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Sarah's Side

"Kuroshiro, I didn't expect to see you here." I was on my way out of the council room and bumped into the New York Incubus. "You're on a leave from work?"

"Yeah, so I was about to give you my report but you never arrived so maybe you're busy." He smiled, "I'm glad to see you're still alive since I was kind of getting worried about your sudden disappearance. I cannot contact Antarctic Sanctuary so I had to come here to give my report and asked for our third partner."

"Yeah, I wasn't able to make a report because I was given a new mission... and I was given a new partner for the job." She sighed, "It looks like I am deeply needed for this one. However, it wouldn't hurt to accompany you while you make your report, right?"

"Yep, you really need to listen... There's a lot to unpack here..."

Accompanying him to do his report until the end, the entire council and I quickly realized that my mission is greatly connected to his. It only meant that I have to prepare myself... as well as my new apprentice wizard...the half-human and half-succubus, Beaux Steinfeld. As for Beaux, I noticed that she started flirting with Kuroshiro... but seeing as Kuroshiro felt more irritated than pleased, I gave it a shrug. For me, it was very good to see him change a lot. I feel that even though he wasn't a human... he felt more human than those who called themselves real human beings.

"So the two of you will pose as nuns to be recruited by the Vatican Crusade, am I wrong?" He sat down and asked me, "Now I know why their new Mother-superior is there right now... didn't you say that you were acquainted with the nun?"

"We're both Filipinas... and uh we had some encounters with each other~" she giggled. "I always win in the end... I mean, I can't get serious with them, you know? I'm too strong for them to handle that I only prank them instead of fighting with them..."

"You must've hurt their pride a lot, huh~" he chuckled.

"So... uh... this Jose... dwenno... did you try to recruit him as one of our agents?"

"He... said no twice and so I gave up... so about your mission," Kuroshiro scratched his head. "I feel like you're just continuing what we've started... that I can't help but sigh..."

"Na-a-ah Kuroshiro," I waved my finger 'NO' at him. "You've done your part on the first half. I'll... we'll do the second half."

"Dimaria's petrified corpse is in the Vatican and so is the Patriarch werewolf's... The Vatican's been breached. The humans might not notice it but they need our help," He stood up and handed me a totem. "I'm gonna go visit my supernatural American friends. If you ever need my help, pour your magic into it..."

"Is this that Jose's invention?" I examined the totem. "It's like a mini portal for you... I wonder if instead of the portal that we are using to save our people... why not introduce this?"

"According to Jose, that thing consumes way more mystical dust than those portals... and it has a timed life for me." He scratched his head, "Jose told me that I would only get teleported to your current location for about 30 minutes and then I'll get teleported back... He told me that it can only be used once a month. He's the genius so... I can't argue with that... Use that only when you really need to, alright?"

"Yes~ thank you very much!!!"

"HEY GABRIEL THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Irina aimed her pistol at their new comrade. "THEY TOLD US TO CAPTURE HER ALIVE!"

"Barely alive," he glared at Irina. "That's still alive, right? That's not a her... that's an it."

The succubus that the new member singlehandedly beaten had her limbs, her wings, and her tail torn off. Irina and Tyrell who saw Gabriel as a kind, calm, friendly, and sweet new member was completely shocked, amazed, and horrified of his sudden change of personality when faced with a devil. Geoffrey new about this but he was also caught unprepared to see that a single human without any known powers can beat the shit out of a demon out of pure rage. After leaving the demon to be captured and imprisoned by the agents, his breathing slowed down and his kind calm personally returned back. He removed his bloody gauntlets and massaged his head. He knelt down on the floor tired having a hard time to catch his breath. Geoffrey immediately ran to his side.

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