Incubus Hunt Division

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Akihiko's Side

"You're late for work, Kuroshiro."

Captain Richard Evans is the head of the Incubus Hunt Division. He is stern-looking, strict, and disciplined. Before I joined the organization disguised as a Japanese-American human, he had already killed half of my race. Don't get me wrong, we devils are powerful, but understanding human technology, I realized that we are only powerful because we have powers and we can go spiritual. Now that we are trapped, we can no longer do much... it felt like some our powers were sealed.

If I did not reply, he might scold me more... "I just enjoyed my weekend too much, Captain. It won't happen again."

"Damn right it won't happen again!" his deep husky voice intimidated even those who aren't involved. "We have a case again and it's that incubus!"

"Is it here in New York again sir?" one of my comrades asked.

Every squad have at least five members... five skilled members... including the captain, that makes six.

Jose Rodriguez, Mexican, he is quite short but he is agile. He is also good at explosives. His signature feature is his Super Mario like appearance.

Anna Choi, Chinese descent, was once the top-ranking exchange student in China is our vice-captain. She is good at close combat battles but what makes her pretty dangerous is the fact that she lost her husband to a succubus. She truly hates our race because of that and I will never let her find out my true identity. Her signature feature is her very long hair to which she uses as her weapon and her narrow eyes, not unlike mine which isn't really that narrow considering that I'm not really Japanese... but a demon in hiding.

Tyrell O'Neil, African-American, is our tank. He is buffy and tough. His front is full of scars but his back is clean. This guy takes everything head-on... like a sturdy castle wall that is almost impenetrable.

Geoffrey Pavlov the pale-looking Russian sharpshooter but with a secret similar to mine. He is a dhampir, half-vampire, and half-human. Not only that, but he is also a lady's man... just like me... but... he is part human so he is more or less safe with what he does. Of course, I am backing him up with otherworldly help to hide the other half of his origin. One more thing, he has a very strong Russian accent and it rocks!

Finally, the one who asked the question... Irina Louis. She is the ace of the group because she is probably the most capable agent that I have ever encountered. The target that I could never conquer... ... because... ... she is... ... into women. I just can't fathom that I would be defeated by homosexuality... However, this lustful desires for her... I need to make my move... I really need to...

"It's not in New York though..." the captain shook his head. "It's not even here in America..."

"Excuse me?"

I spoke out of turn. It was not normal for me to cut into conversations. Of course... I am the only womanizer in New York... if an incubus incident outside of it then... it wouldn't have been me. Is there a possibility that I am not actually the last of my kind just yet?

"Is something wrong, Agent Kuroshiro?" Captain Evans raised his eyebrow at me. "You seem rather shocked..."

"Y...Y...Yes... Yes, I am shocked at the very least because I haven't heard any case of this happening outside of New York."

"So where is this case, Captain?" Geoffrey decided to cover for my sudden exclamation. "It is as Agent Kuroshiro said, this is the first time that an isolated incident happen."

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