Dark Genesis [New York City]

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Akihiko's Side

"Oh... I'm sorry I was..." I looked at her in the eyes, "... not paying attention..."

While walking on the subway, I bumped into a woman... my target. She was the one that I felt before those incubi and succubi appeared to surprise the fuck out all of us there... I've taken measures to avoid them at all costs. The patrons from A Certain Bar... all of them from Antarctic Sanctuary capable of disguising themselves as humans... most of them hybrids or wizards... were also surprised that I wasn't the last one... Let me put that all behind because... I couldn't leave my target all alone, could I?

Seeing the face of the person she desired to meet and the circumstances of how she'd meet her prince charming, she immediately stuttered to reply.

"I... uh... uhm... I am..." she started to blush. "I am... Regine... I mean... I am fine..."

I pried unto her thoughts... wanting to make sure that everything was going according to plan...

This is... it's happening, isn't it? My prince charming... bumping accidentally... just like I always imagined... He's got a cool hair... wavy hair, his eyes are green, his physique... Oh no... he might think that I'm already sticking up to him... No... this is too good to be true... no... I am in a relationship... he showed up too late.

She really was an A+ difficulty. Of course, she was tied to a man... but I can't let her off that easily~

"It looks like you're on your jogging... seeing that you are wearing yoga pants, are you on your way to the gym... or am I wrong?" Of course, this part was scripted... I knew that she was on her way to the gym. That's why I was wearing sweatshirt, myself, showing off my muscular physique... as she desired. "I am actually rushing my way to the gym too, by the way, would you like to jog with me there?"

That must be the reason why he bumped into me... Oh, my sweat... I suddenly remembered the firmness of his muscles when he accidentally bumped into me... (O///O)... my face is feeling hot again... I can't hold it in... (>///<) !!! I want to go to the gym with him!!! Must stop myself before...

"Sure, let's jog our way there..." REGINE!!! Why did you agree?! Ugh!!!

"If you don't mind... your name is Regine, right?" I smiled at her showing off my perfectly white teeth, "I'm Dominic, nice to meet you."

"I'm taken... ..." she whispered making it seem hard for me to hear, "I mean... I'm pleased to meet you too..."

All was going smoothly according to plan...


"Russian here with Japanese at Point A. We found an incubus amongst the crowd," Geoffrey lied to the others that he was with me as they started moving into the suspected incubus on sight fifty kilometers away from where I truly was. He was actually following one of the incubi from yesterday. Geoffrey immediately alerted the rest on duty. "Permission to engage the target..."

"Hold your position, Russian," Anna started her car to move into the target area. "We need the both of you to follow the incubus! ETA fifteen minutes!!!"

"Affirmative, Chinese... we'll stay put for now." Geoffrey then contacted Tyrell, "Blackie, this is codename: Russian, here to report the presence of an incubus northeast from your current position. Chinese told us to stay put, over."

"Blackie here, speaking. Mexican is currently following the target who seems to be in the guise of a white male about six foot and seven inches in height, blonde hair, average body built, presumed alone, and going east." Tyrell moved in with the crowd, "British was already alerted to standby, over."

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