Why do we protect our Names?

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Sarah's Side

Kuroshiro Akihiko

Kuro means black and shiro means white.

Aki means bright and hiko means prince.

But that's not his real name... for he is an incubus.

Then what is his name?

He is called the New York Incubus because that is his playground.

That's just a title though...

So what is his name?

Why is the name of a devil very important when doing exorcisms?

What is the reason behind it?

If these demons are vanquished back to hell because of their names, then what would happen if these demons cannot go back to hell because the dimensional rift has been permanently closed?

Would they suffer? Would they die? Or would they be enslaved?

Of course, they would die.

What about angels or fallen angels? Would they suffer the same?

No... they won't. Angel Buriel, the messenger angel and leader of the Antarctic Sanctuary, uses his real name to address himself while broadcasting live throughout the world. The Roman Catholic Church does not believe him though because they see him as a devil.

Devils and Risen devils are affected by this weakness in names but with the exception of those that took form out of massive belief in cultures and traditions or internet stories (creepypasta) and for those who are part human just like Geoffrey. The reason for keeping their real names secret is because it is a sign of weakness, the reason? Only God knows...

I believe as a researcher on historical cultures and theological factors that God might've placed a curse on them for leaving his side and following the Devil King himself. As for fallen angels... I don't have an answer just yet. I'm still researching on that. Oh... by the way, it's me again your favorite Southeast Asian Witch!!! Codename: [SAW]~ Sarah~!!!

What is my real name?

I just use Sarah because that was the name given to me by my mother... My father gave me my real name... Geoffrey apparently also has a real name but he prefers the name given to him by his parents and not his father alone. The three of us once did a name reveal on each other to empower our bond. I still hate Geoffrey for calling me an old hag or old virgin... but well... at least... right?

My true name actually means hardworking... and NO... it is not a Japanese translation.]

Geoffrey's name means insight.

As for the NYI... his real name is something grim for an incubus to have...

As for the evil witch... I am not the EVIL WITCH, okay?

The evil witch is a slutty nymphomaniac, while I am a virgin!!!

Moving on with the power of names...

A lot of devils that "sort of" possess humans (because sometimes others fake being possessed) use the name Satan as their initial names. Devils are hierarchical and they are classified by the following:

[The Lustful Devils are comprised of the Incubi and the Succubi.] [Queen Lilith]

[The Glutton Devils...] [Prince Beelzebub]

[The Contractor Devils are known to entice humans by offering their soul in exchange for fame and fortune.] [Duke Mephistopheles]

[The Greedy Devils...] [Duke Mammon]

[The Prideful Devils...] [Princess Lilim]

[The Envious Devils...] [Duke Leviathan]

[The Wrathful Devils...] [Princess Satana]

[The Slothful Devils...] [Duke Belphegor]

[The Vengeful Devils...] [Duke Asmodeus]

[The Deceitful Devils are also known as the Liars...] [Duke Moloch]

[The Treacherous Devils are also known as the Betrayers... They go together with the Deceitful...] [Duke Belial]

[And finally... the Demonic Beasts...] [Duke Behemoth]

Now how do I know this? Did I just invent this all up? Nope, I did not. Like Angel Buriel and the others, devils said that humans are more wicked than devils, and fallen angels combined.

Now, I want to pass on the question to you guys. If you have a true name, what would it be?

What if you've been thrown into a world where you get to name yourself? Such online games, Reddit communities, 4chan, and other platforms where you get to name yourself actually exist already?

Would you even choose a name with numbers, or with symbols?

A name has to mean something, right?

To humans, a name is an entitlement... to devils, a name is their weakness and their strength.

Enough of my ramblings~

Here's what's to come next on the Incubus Hunt!

During the massive battle against the werewolves, will the humans ever make it? Who would ever defeat the Patriarch Alpha Blood-fang who boasts his massive dick around? Will Geoffrey and Kuroshiro ever get to showcase their powers? Lastly, when will the EVIL WITCH show herself?! Find them all on the next episode: Akihiko Against Alpha!!!

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