Dark Genesis [New Incubus Hunt]

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Akihiko's Side

"Good morning, incubus. My name is Agent Kuroshiro Akihiko and I will be here to interrogate you. Have you gotten used to this setup? As you may have realized, your cell is impregnable because of the amount of holy energy emitted in its walls. Of course, you already tried to escape... seeing those burns on your skin." I sat down on the chair provided to me right outside of the glass cell. "This cell was supposed to house the New York Incubus, but we instead caught a different one. Are you perhaps... ... ... an ally of his... ... ... or perhaps you are the London Incubus?"

"Neither... Mr. Kuroshiro," he looked at me in the eyes unaware that I was the incubus. "We are here to capture the so-called New York Incubus."

"You said we..." Of course, I knew about his companions but I am Kuroshiro right now, "That must mean that you're not alone. Let me guess, you want to tell us where they are in exchange for your freedom. You know that we can't let you escape because you are who you are... such is the nature of our discussion. If you tell us where your friends are you will only be sentenced to lifetime imprisonment until you take your own life..."

"Do I have any other option, Mr. Kuroshiro?" he continued to stare at me in the eyes. "Odd... I can't read your thoughts... moreover... I can't read you at all..."

"Of course, you can't... Just now, before I entered here, I asked them to increase the power of this cell. For someone like me who has been hunting the New York Incubus for... uh ... perhaps five years since I started working here, I've come to understand the biology of the likes of you. You read minds, disguise as the person your target desires, and then you bring out their lustful desires... this is the main reason why we can't allow the women to meet you." I had all of my cards in place so that he won't get to discover my identity.

"So you've been on the hunt for the same incubus," the incubus approached me a few inches before touching the 'ultra-holy glass' barrier. "I am hunting for the same one... I can help you..."

I looked at the camera above me and shook my head. In the control room, Capt. Evans and some higher-ups were overseeing the interrogation. They knew that I had to decline his offer but his decision was the top priority to follow so I was waiting for their verdict. After a few minutes of silence, the captain pressed into his earphone...

"Tell him that we'd lower his sentence to lifetime imprisonment with basic needs," the captain had to improvise and he hated it. "We must get him to spill the beans, that son of bitch..."

"Copy that," I replied to the captain. I then gazed back at him, "The higher-ups... they want to lessen the gravity of your sentence if you're willing to help. It will still be lifetime imprisonment but you will be receiving basic benefits... that's their final offer, Mr. Incubus."

"The only basic thing that I need is mating with women," he grinned. "As long as it is a real woman, I don't have any other preferences..."

"You heard him, guys..." I sat down on the chair while waiting for their decision. I looked at the incubus who was also waiting for an answer and asked, "While we wait for their decision, where were you heading to then and why were you walking out in the open? Hey, I'm just curious..."

"I'm not telling," he responded expressing much irritation from the question and my attitude. "You seem to be enjoying yourself there..."

I didn't bother answering what was obvious but I had to probe him to get a good answer, "If you were going back... from your direction... there might be hotels, condo units, or apartments at that area... we can have those people listening right now to have some agents search those parts. How many else aside from you again?"

Incubus HuntOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora