Chapter Thirty Eight: His Promise

Start from the beginning

He knew he would be questioned later, but right now, Addison was his priority.

He needed to get out of his gang, and he needed to do it quickly.

* * *

The hospital looked the same on every floor. Colton knew this because he had anxiously paced around the floors of the hospital, waiting for Addison to get out of surgery that was estimated to be around five hours long.


She had been stabbed six times. Her wounds were aimed at her thighs, arms, and abdomen. It appeared that this was merely a warning - a small taste of something worse that could come in the future if Colton didn't do something about it.

And he was furious.

He was furious at many people in his life, but those who dare to threaten someone like Addison nearly pushed him over the edge.

His mind was thinking of all the possibilities for revenge. He saw nothing but red, and when he was angry, he was blinded by violence and never thought with logic. He would always lash out, which only added to the wave of violence that he calls life.

When the time for her surgery to be over neared, he went back into the waiting room, where he waited anxiously. He quickly decided that he didn't like hospitals.

Too much sickness, too many people, too much death.

He was always an illusive man, preferring to stay out of sight from others and roaming the darkness to do about his business.

In the waiting room, he took note of worried parents, sickly elderly, and even children with wide eyes, not understanding what exactly was going on. Others sat there, with a blank look smeared across their faces while some flipped through magazines, acting like the world wasn't bothering them.

Colton wondered how many of these people waiting are going to lose a family member or a friend.

How many of these people will have their lives changed forever?

He stood up when he saw the doctor approaching him, who was clothed in surgical scrubs and wore a stoic look on his face.

"Are you the boyfriend of Addison?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, I am." There, he said it again. He hoped Addison wouldn't be mad. And somewhere, deep down inside of him, he favored the idea of Addison being something more than, well, just "acquaintances."

But he would damn himself to hell before he would ever acknowledge his feelings and admit that.

"The surgery went well. She had some internal bleeding, but luckily she got here when she did. Any longer and she could've been put into a coma." The doctor informs.

"Can I go see her?"

"Yes, though she hasn't woken up from surgery yet, and probably won't wake up for at least another half hour or so."

Colton didn't mind waiting. He was just relieved that she made it out alive. And when he walked into the small hospital room and saw the fragile woman lying in the bed blanketed in bandages, he swore he would find the ones responsible for this and end them.

Because Colton believes he will find peace in violence, or some sort of satisfaction.

But that is not the case, for revenge is a dangerous, dark weapon that can be lethal if one is not diligent. Revenge is almost like a predator, in the way that it is unpredictable and even vicious.

His thoughts calmed when he sat down and saw the gentle breathing of his unconscious Addison.

He was in turmoil with himself - he wanted, no needed to seek revenge for what they did to Addison. It's what Addison would want, right?

Maybe he's mixing up his wants with Addison's wants. He knew himself that if it were the other way around, he would want to be avenged.

The other half of him, however, was tired. Tired from constantly fighting and living a life that consists of darkness. He's never gotten to simply relax, for he's always on his toes, always watching, always guarded. Sometimes, he's convinced that he's taught himself to sleep with one eye open.

Because there's always someone after him.

Sometimes that someone is his own self, his own ridiculing thoughts. His own nightmares, his own judgement.

He is too harsh on himself, often convincing himself that he deserves to suffer for the dark things he has committed.

But he knew he really just wanted to end this once and for all and endure the tremendous consequences in order to escape his gang, the only family he has ever known.

As he contemplates his actions, he finally makes a decision when he gazes at Addison's peaceful features. It made all previous doubt disappear from his mind.

He would endure the mightiest of storms and if that meant he could have a chance at real freedom and let go of his past. If that meant Addison could be safe from the consequences of his nefarious ways.

It was something he should have done a long time ago.

He never thought a girl would be the motivation he was looking for.

All he needed was something, no, someone to fight for.

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