I'm fine shorty

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Waking up to a crying Ink that was shaking Error, Error looked at Ink confused. "WhAtS wrONg SHoRty?" Ink exploded into a ball of anger, "What do you mean what's wrong!? You..I thought you were dead.. you scared me Error!" Looking up at Ink with even more confusion Error responded with a shrug. "I waS fINe shORty. NoTHinG tO wORrY abOUt.." Ink rolled his eyes, "So what did you dream of? You seemed..scared.. you were mumbling and twitching.." Error rolled his eyes as well, "I tOLd yOu, iM fInE.. yOu DOnT nEeD tO wORrY aBOuT mE.. iT wAs jUSt a dReAm.." Error grumbled as he stiffled a yawn. "If it's just A dream then you can tell me what it was about," Ink huffed. "Breakfast is ready!" Blue yelled from the kitchen. Ink sighed as he walked downstairs, "WaIt, dOnT lEaVe mE!!" Error yelled as he pulled at the chains. "I will bring you food.." "oh Error," came a voice as Ink left, "Tired of being chained up?" Error knew this voice....
Sorry its short, I have a lot going on right now. But I will try to update more and longer books. Sorry for the wait..

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