Just Accept Me

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Ink broke the attack, and dodged the bones. He quickly grabbed his paintbrush and sprayed red paint onto Error. Error flinched back, unbearable pain on his bones. The paint was burning him, which was on his stomach, chest, and arms. "AH! MaKE iT stOp! Ugh!" Error backed up in pain, tripping over a random table. Ink tried to chain Error up, but then Error said something he didn't expect. "I'm s-SOrRy... I WOnT..tRy tO kIlL yOu..ANymoRE.." Error looked exhausted, tensing up every time Ink got near him. "A-are you okay..? You.. you're acting different.." Error didn't answer, still in pain from the paint.
Ink looked at Error, worried for him. How could I get him to behave? He thought, trying to figure out how to get Error to stop being so...ridiculous.. "I cAnT Do tHIs anYMorE!" Error glitched, unable to stay in the cancerous colourful house any longer. "MuSt DEstRoY!!" Ink nodded his head no, and the paint turned to chains. The chains wrapped tighter than the last ones, and Ink gagged Errors mouth. "You're not destroying anymore aus, no matter what I have to do." Ink bounded Error back on the bed, not even caring to feed him. He doesn't want to cooperate, neither will I...  closing the door, Ink left Error in the cold, dark room. "Heya buddy~" Error snapped his head toward the sound, but saw only darkness. "Need a little help?"
Whew! Finally got this chapter done! So, what do you think? Any requests on what should happen next? Do you know who this stranger could be? Do you know what the voices will say next, well that you can decide. Hope you all enjoyed readers because it is currently 1:03 AM. goodnight. And sorry for such a short diddle darn chapter.
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